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The Hyena

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Everything posted by The Hyena

  1. Tattoo flash painting isn't really painting even if you use a brush. It's "illustration colored with a brush". I mean people didn't even really consider Rockwell a painter. He was an illustrator and his paintings(illustrations) were far better than what 99.999999% of us are all putting out. Outside of flash, and flash style paintings I don't really do that stuff much anymore. I did it for years before I was a tattooer so I'm going the other way that a lot of people are going. I'm not branching into painting, I'm leaving it alone for more tattoo based illustrations. Weird.
  2. Fuck my spelling typo. I did know that, but apparently I'm a retard.
  3. Here's a list of people that I find waaaaaaaaaaaaay under rated. Clay McCay Lizzie Renaud Mike Bruce Josh Mcalear and motherfucking Dan Troccio. I know he had a TAM interview a while back and he's in New York, but I just feel like he gets slept on. He's a real low key guy, but honestly one of the best out there IMO. Get tattooed by everyone on this list and make the world a better place.
  4. Aaaaaaand I'm gonna co-sign Mario's "collector" reply also.
  5. The fact that you have a Verbal Assault tattoo is only a good thing.
  6. Where did you see this tattoo? I tend to do a lot of weird owls. A few have had keys and a few have had keyholes in the center of their bodies.
  7. The Hyena


    Just shaved mine off after 4 years. Instantly growing it back.
  8. Don't try different things. If your skin is irritated, doing new healing things to it expecting fast results is wrong. Just keep it clean and dry at this point and let it chill. OOOOOOR..... Go see a doctor if it's really bothering you. Those are the two best pieces of advice in here.
  9. Absolutely. I just like listening to her. The interviews like you said are well researched. I feel more informed afterwards. Her interviews with Tom Waits are awesome.
  10. Also, different clients like different shit. I know that's a no brainer, but I've heard people talk about how they like to get tattooed to metal, because they feel it gives them the balls to sit through it. And that's not just teenage dudes saying that either. Some people obviously like mellower shit, and some the more upbeat fun stuff. Whatever. You can't please everyone. At least if I'm happy and the client isn't too put off by it, then it stays on. Last time I did a spot at Three Kings in Brooklyn, Albrigo had the greatest tattooing music. Weird ethereal, ambient shoe gaze shit. I love that shit. Like half Jesus and Mary Chain, and half Twin Peaks soundtrack.
  11. Old Jazz works great. I listen to the shit out of it, but the last shop I was at, a few of the dudes couldn't handle it. Those were also the super black metal dudes, and I couldn't handle that shit. Oh well. Shuffle is pretty great. You can weed songs out or creat large playlists, but Mario is on it with the LastFM shit. Way better than Pandora. Old school hip hop on LastFM is awesome. Like UTFO or RunDMC. It's fun as hell. LastFM stations I frquent: Django, Juliee Cruise, Throwing Muses, The Replacements, Van Halen, Black Angels, Billie Holiday, Janet Klein.
  12. Workhorse Irons. Not too expensive and definitely reliable.
  13. I second Bob Wicks. Also my favorite of all time. I only have small pics of his shit, but I have seen a few originals in person and I'll say this, if those things were released tomorrow they would still be ahead of their time. Seriously good.
  14. Yo, dude!!! How goes?

  15. Some stupid lady went and soaked her feet in hot ass salt water four like three hours after getting a tattoo. "Why does this look so awful?"
  16. Ships, roses, girl heads, birds..... Actually, If it's done well I can never see enough of it. I don't care about the image as much as I care about if it's a good tattoo or not. Nothing is played out if it's done well.
  17. I would love to be the single dude, and at the end just tell them all that they are trash and they all lose.
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