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Jack Wier

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Everything posted by Jack Wier

  1. Delicious said it better. There will always be negative people out there, to that end
  2. Welcome fellow Jack
  3. Jack Wier


    Welcome to LST
  4. Some stuff I look at from time to time. Keeps me going.
  5. Has Chad Koeplinger shared the story on LST?
  6. Haha yeah - - - Updated - - - What are squidpants?
  7. Just putting this out there for Mr. Sylvia and the other administrators. I just wanted to say thanks for taking the time to interview all of these really talented tattoo artists and machine builders. You often speak in the videos about the level of exposure that tattooing has now. It is far more exposed and open than when you first got into the business. The number of scratchers is a lot higher. That being said for me personally, I believe that exposure to artists of the caliber that you interview is still rather limited. I'm currently a graduate student and won't be free of academia for some years yet. Your work on this site helps bring important aspects of tattooing to me, and I sure as Hell can't travel and see many of these people at this point. Tattooing right now isn't all sunshine and lollipops but you know better than I do that there are good, down to Earth people doing high quality work. Thank you, Jack
  8. Awesome story. I love the West Bank of the Cities.
  9. Native American Lady head is probably my next tattoo. Tiger Lily from Peter Pan, man.
  10. There is so much cool flash in Stoney Knows How (the book).
  11. I think we should start ending discussions about tattoos with "It will be til butt cheeks."
  12. Cool, thanks
  13. Also sorry for the strange location and angle. It's hard to take a picture of your own leg.
  14. Shahn Anderson of Electric Dragonland tattooed Buttercup here on me in 08 or 09. I had to set up a separate bank account to get her but it was worth it.
  15. I agree. in the last few decades Lyle Tuttle has been quick to say that his success is more a product than anything. We've had some insightful correspondence about modern tattooing in the last few years.
  16. I heard that Chris Conn quit tattooing because hr got burnt out on it. Can anyone back up this claim? Any idea if he's still doing other art now?
  17. Awkward is right, what did you say after she ripped one?
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