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Everything posted by embers

  1. was so good. got me so stoked for my trip there in march
  2. waiting for eric jones to call me back right now to book at the end of january. going to fly down. tickets are only 69$ ( )do a lady head and some little filler in these awkward spots on my legs
  3. when he came back for the toys for tats thing a few weeks ago i saw him on the plane, so we drove him from the airport, funny coincidence... and he was saying hed be back permanently within a couple years.
  4. cant wait til matt comes back to seattle so he can do my back
  5. all of my tattoos on my legs have healed perfectly with no problems, the skins a little thicker and not as sensitive so maybe that has something to do with it? but a few parts on my sleeve have scabbed, scarred a little bit, etc. could my arm's skin just be prone to bad healing? is it normal? it makes me feel embarrassed, but i take care of them well. what gives?
  6. i do the same thing when im out of town, a couple weeks ago i was down in orange county, and went into goldrush just to look, and they were confused that i just wanted to come in, and not get tattooed. i felt like a dick but oh well.
  7. yeah. the clouds are olive green, you cant really tell.
  8. thats funny youre talking about mike perfetto. im going to new york in march, so do i just go at 4pm and sign in and wait? haha
  9. second session with derek noble. got all the shading done. about 8 hours in so far? doing color in a few weeks
  10. embers

    Book thread

    finished storm of swords. reading the name of the wind by patrick rothfuss right now and nightwoods by charles frazier (cold mountain is my favorite book dont judge)
  11. i have a few tattoos from vinse, fast tattooer, cool guy and super nice bold and traditional tattoos too
  12. looking for someone on the west coast preferably, as it will be multiple sessions and quite large. i know there's a ship thread in the tattoo designs section but not alot of talk. any push in the right direction or examples in someones portfolio would be appreciated greatly. i love kyle crowells ships, and have been tattooed by him so thats in the back of my mind as of now
  13. yup was right next to ya. what'd he do on your inner bicep
  14. my easiest healing and best looking tattoos have been when ive kept the bandage over night and then use pretty hot water and soap, let it dry a bit and just use lotion and clean it. when i used burts bees res q ointment, had scabbing, pimples, etc and aquaphor makes ink ooze out for some reason almost instantly. not sure why
  15. thanks. he drew it on and finished it i think in like 20 minutes haha
  16. heres my tattoo from mario from the convention and a chad panther head i got
  17. had a great time. the hotel was nice, got a bunch of stuff, tattooed by mario and chad k. bank account hates me
  18. im worried about carrying and travelling around with 1000$+ in my pocket this weekend at the convention. ugh
  19. have you seen carnivale? dude has a creepy aura for sure
  20. how can a client take them seriously when theyre telling them how to take care of something they dont know how to themselves. i dont even understand how you can be, not only artistic, but also into tattooing and not get them yourself. i think about tattooing about 45 out of 60 minutes every hour and i dont even tattoo haha... shit, maybe im an obsessive freak though.
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