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    eisen777 reacted to Dan S in Pornography... In and around a tattoo shop, what's your take on this?   
    I wouldn't hardly call Playboy porn, but that's just me. Something like Hustler, yeah, that I'd say keep in the back room.
    In light of another thread running on here, I think I'd leave a shop even faster if there was a bible laying out in the waiting area.
  2. Like
    eisen777 reacted to Kev in Knee Tattoooo   
    Via the instagram of Zach Nelligan- Triple Crown Tattoo, Austin,TX:

  3. Like
    eisen777 reacted to Hogrider in Knee Tattoooo   
  4. Like
    eisen777 reacted to CaptCanada in Opinion on this!   
    I hope that this doesn't go on for to much longer. If this is your first forum you have joined then here are a few tips.
    Look at how many posts a thread has, how many pages it has... If it's at the very top of a section then it's a new thread or one that gets posts on regularly. When you ask a question and your not happy with with the answer don't make a new thread, it will just lead to this. you could even lurk around for a bit and see how things work, where they go...
    And most of all don't argue on the internet, it is pointless, and will only end with less people joining in on the discussions.
  5. Like
    eisen777 reacted to irezumi in Opinion on this!   
    getting clowned for seeking attention is less desirable than not getting the attention they wanted in the first place.
  6. Like
    eisen777 reacted to Jade1959 in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    My half sleeve, now complete. Tattooed by Crispy Lennox at Black Garden, Drury Lane, London.
    I love it.
    And the icing on the cake, Crispy gave me a limited edition print of one of his beautiful girls.

  7. Like
    eisen777 got a reaction from Jade1959 in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    I love that! Stewart seems to always kill it. That 100 daemons book is great.
  8. Like
    eisen777 got a reaction from Tim Burke in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    I love that! Stewart seems to always kill it. That 100 daemons book is great.
  9. Like
    eisen777 got a reaction from Dennis in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Have I seen videodrome? HA! love it!. Im just being slow, Im sure ill figure it out Im just worn out and I get frustrated with computers easily.
    http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7211/7311369314_b9e63103ba.jpg' alt='7311369314_b9e63103ba.jpg'> PhilSleeveChrisONI by eisen777, on Flickr[/img]
  10. Like
    eisen777 got a reaction from jade1955 in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    I love that! Stewart seems to always kill it. That 100 daemons book is great.
  11. Like
    eisen777 got a reaction from Reyeslv in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    I love that! Stewart seems to always kill it. That 100 daemons book is great.
  12. Like
    eisen777 reacted to jade1955 in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Outline done on my rib panel. From Horiyoshi iii book 100 demons. Tattooed by @Stewart Robson at Frith Street today.
    I'm really over the moon with it.

  13. Like
    eisen777 reacted to ShawnPorter in Occult Vibrations Updates thread   
    I'm going to start an OV thread because I'm way too lazy to mention things in specific threads.
    Today I posted a digitized version of a huge interview that Jonathan Shaw did with Col. William Todd in ITA 1/1 in 1992.
    Mr. Shaw gave me permission to digitize all the interviews that he did for ITA- takes forever (OCR for the win) but TOTALLY worth it.
    Here's the first one:
    Jonathan Shaw Interviews: Col. William L. Todd « Occult Vibrations
    SO MUCH good stuff in this interview.
  14. Like
    eisen777 reacted to Perez in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Something I've noticed from working with Robert is you can't photograph a Robert Ryan tattoo. It just doesn't work. I'll see tattoos he does at the shop, (like Shawn's for instance or Greg's front torso piece), and in person they'll put you on your ass. but i'll see a photo of it he puts up on instagram on my way home and i'm taken aback by how little of the power can be contained in the picture. His tattoos really have to be seen in person to be appreciated. and like T.D. says "Any Imperfections only add to it's beauty"
  15. Like
    eisen777 got a reaction from Liz Stitch Ellis in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Have I seen videodrome? HA! love it!. Im just being slow, Im sure ill figure it out Im just worn out and I get frustrated with computers easily.
    http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7211/7311369314_b9e63103ba.jpg' alt='7311369314_b9e63103ba.jpg'> PhilSleeveChrisONI by eisen777, on Flickr[/img]
  16. Like
    eisen777 got a reaction from Hunter Morrow in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/4708/philsleevechrissnake.jpg' alt='philsleevechrissnake.jpg'> Uploaded with ImageShack.us[/img]
    very poor res. but you get the idea.
  17. Like
    eisen777 reacted to jayessebee in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Yeah! @gougetheeyes

  18. Like
    eisen777 reacted to ShawnPorter in Ink Masters   
    So... they're still casting "human canvases" for season two.
    I just saw a solicitation asking for people willing to get "hand, face, head" tattoos, as well as women willing to get pubic area tattoos.
    I weep.
  19. Like
    eisen777 got a reaction from Hunter Morrow in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Have I seen videodrome? HA! love it!. Im just being slow, Im sure ill figure it out Im just worn out and I get frustrated with computers easily.
    http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7211/7311369314_b9e63103ba.jpg' alt='7311369314_b9e63103ba.jpg'> PhilSleeveChrisONI by eisen777, on Flickr[/img]
  20. Like
    eisen777 got a reaction from jade1955 in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/4708/philsleevechrissnake.jpg' alt='philsleevechrissnake.jpg'> Uploaded with ImageShack.us[/img]
    very poor res. but you get the idea.
  21. Like
    eisen777 reacted to jayessebee in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Had a great day with matt bivetto today

  22. Like
    eisen777 reacted to Josh Beane in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    latest from Danny Reed

  23. Like
    eisen777 got a reaction from gougetheeyes in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Chris O Donnell today....more work with Thomas Friday. I know Im computer illiterate but ill try to post some pictures even if its once i get back from the 8hr megabus ride (ughhh)
  24. Like
    eisen777 got a reaction from abees in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/4708/philsleevechrissnake.jpg' alt='philsleevechrissnake.jpg'> Uploaded with ImageShack.us[/img]
    very poor res. but you get the idea.
  25. Like
    eisen777 got a reaction from SStu in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/4708/philsleevechrissnake.jpg' alt='philsleevechrissnake.jpg'> Uploaded with ImageShack.us[/img]
    very poor res. but you get the idea.
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