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  1. Like
    eisen777 got a reaction from Hands On in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    My new back....love it. Wanted it New England as fuck. I love Chad, Jason, Bill and Spencer at Congress st/ hobos. Sorry about the ASS shot....soooo much pain. We may add more on the ass later..uggghhh. Love it. Classic.
  2. Like
    eisen777 got a reaction from MadeIndelible in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    My new back....love it. Wanted it New England as fuck. I love Chad, Jason, Bill and Spencer at Congress st/ hobos. Sorry about the ASS shot....soooo much pain. We may add more on the ass later..uggghhh. Love it. Classic.
  3. Like
    eisen777 got a reaction from Kev in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    My new back....love it. Wanted it New England as fuck. I love Chad, Jason, Bill and Spencer at Congress st/ hobos. Sorry about the ASS shot....soooo much pain. We may add more on the ass later..uggghhh. Love it. Classic.
  4. Like
    eisen777 got a reaction from CultExciter in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    My new back....love it. Wanted it New England as fuck. I love Chad, Jason, Bill and Spencer at Congress st/ hobos. Sorry about the ASS shot....soooo much pain. We may add more on the ass later..uggghhh. Love it. Classic.
  5. Like
    eisen777 got a reaction from hogg in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    My new back....love it. Wanted it New England as fuck. I love Chad, Jason, Bill and Spencer at Congress st/ hobos. Sorry about the ASS shot....soooo much pain. We may add more on the ass later..uggghhh. Love it. Classic.
  6. Like
    eisen777 reacted to Dan S in books on tattoos and tattoo culture   
    The Sailor Jerry Collins book is, IMHO, a must-have. So many think that he was all about the flash that is so often seen, buto to see the Chinese / Japanese inspired work that he did as his avocation is stunning, and to be able to read his correspondence with Don Hardy about the state of tattooing and the ways they were working on advancing it is well worth the price.
  7. Like
    eisen777 reacted to slayer9019 in does this happen to anyone else?   
    Disclaimer: I am not a doctor but it is sometimes fun to pretend
    Well allergies aside, you have to realize a tattoo is skin that experienced trauma (aka poked thousands of times with a needle) and then on top of that you put stuff underneath your skin and made it stay there on purpose.
    Now if we look at a tattoo from the bodies standpoint it goes as follows:
    Holy shit I'm getting poked over and over
    Holy shit there is foreign material in me now
    Wait...wtf why are you making sure this shit stays here!
    I got a bunch of scars and scar tissue is not like normal skin tissue. My scars change with bloodpressure, heat, wetness, etc so why would a tattoo be any different.
  8. Like
    eisen777 reacted to missStark in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Stopped into Cathedral Tattoo yesterday and got myself a spur of the moment birthday banger from the talented CJ Fishburn.

  9. Like
    eisen777 reacted to hgiles in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    No wisecracks. Here's my Jeff Cribb tattoo (spidermums). Brian Bruno did the Kitsune...

  10. Like
    eisen777 reacted to Our Endless Days in does this happen to anyone else?   
    from time to time, the outlines on tattoos that i've had for quite sometime will raise and i can feel the outlines when i touch the tattoo. it happens sparingly, but it's definitely something that has happened more than once. has this ever happened to anyone else?
  11. Like
    eisen777 reacted to Dan S in June 2012 Best Tattoo of the Month Contest   
    Too early for me to have decent pix of this work, I only got it tonight, but if you like Traditional stuff, you may find it interesting.
    Originally done as an advertising sign by Ralph Johnstone for his parlor in the arcades on south State Street in Chicago, and repainted by Nick Colella as his signature sign at CTC. He's had it hanging there over his work station for I don't know how many years, and in the times I've sat for him, it just kinda grew on me. He told me tonight he's never put it on anyone else, so I guess I got a one-of-a-kind piece of Chicago tattooing history, from one of Chicago's tattooing legends.
    Nick Colella / Chicago Tattooing Company. I can't recommend Nick enough. He is a wonderful artist, good people, fast, accurate, and skillful tattooist, and an all-around good guy. Anyone thinking of gettinng tattooed in the Chi should give serious consideration to him.
    I did post this in another thread, so if that's not kool, please, would a mod just delete this. Thanks to all of you who have "liked" my posts here thus far...even if I ahven't personally thanked you all, please know that it is appreciated!
  12. Like
    eisen777 reacted to slayer9019 in Things That You Think Should Be Tattooed More Often?   
    Fuckin seriously I think there can never be enough skulls
    or snakes. Actually snakes don't get enough attention
  13. Like
    eisen777 got a reaction from gougetheeyes in Ass tattooed   
    uggh....starting my back this sat and told the tattooer I want it to go on to my ass....this thread makes me dread it but Im going to stick with the plan. Top of the butt only....just the tip if you will.
  14. Like
    eisen777 got a reaction from CultExciter in LST Music Gear Thread   
    Gibson SG
    sovtek mig 60
    sovtek 2x12
    emperor 2x12
    pedals: depend on what I am playing but I have a lot....havent played in almost a year due to just let down after let down with bands and needing time off from playing music/booking shows....i work too much and want to get tattooed too often haha.
  15. Like
    eisen777 reacted to Duffa in Japenese ideas?   
    Matt what ever you choose, promise to not use the references that @Hunter Morrow has posted. Yes, art is subjective - but that's not Japanese. Subject matter he's suggested sure, I myself have a Kirin (and a hannya, a koi, a chrysanthemum and a turtle and so on lol) but those images are pretty bad. (Just to be fair though, was anyone else thinking the same thing?)
  16. Like
    eisen777 reacted to CABS in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Hey y'all. Just joined the forum today. Been lurking for awhile though. Got this from Bert Krak last Tuesday.

  17. Like
    eisen777 reacted to Dan S in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    And another...
  18. Like
    eisen777 reacted to Dan S in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Ouch. Three and a half hours, more or less. Nick is a fucking wizard.
    Better pics when available.
  19. Like
    eisen777 got a reaction from Reyeslv in Japenese ideas?   
    I agree with slayer on those books etc.....but till you get one maybe youll like this:
    Meanings of tattoo designs & Irezumi – Clark North Tattoo
    its not the end all be all but you may get some ideas
  20. Like
    eisen777 reacted to Ursula in So remember what I was saying about 2012 being the year of the male tattoo model?   
    I want to punch that kid in his shitty little tattooed face, with my shitty little tattooed hand. I hope his 'plastic' stencil catches fire and burns his parents house down.
    Shit like that makes me wish I didn't even have tattoos sometimes.
    Also, sailor Jerry wasn't the best tattooer to ever live. He wasn't the best tattooer of his time. He's just the one who's stuff got saved by someone who knew what to do with it to make a lot of money and get famous. That would be Ed Hardy. If it was some other old timer who Ed had been close with, it woulda been that person in the sailor jerry spot today.
  21. Like
    eisen777 reacted to Therinx in June 2012 Best Tattoo of the Month Contest   
    Victor Kensinger - Kings Avenue Tattoo
  22. Like
    eisen777 reacted to Jade1959 in June 2012 Best Tattoo of the Month Contest   
    Tiger tattooed by @Stewart Robson , Frith Street Tattoos, London, UK

    I love it!
  23. Like
    eisen777 reacted to slayer9019 in June 2012 Best Tattoo of the Month Contest   
    Almost forgot to post this up!
    Regino Gonzales
    Invisible NYC

  24. Like
    eisen777 reacted to Bunny Switchblade in Ass tattooed   
    I still will say my head was worse!
    ha ha ha.....heads or tails!
  25. Like
    eisen777 reacted to ian in Mister Cartoon   
    All we can do is speculate on his needle configurations. If you like his work, get a tattoo from him and ask as he gives it to you...
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