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    eisen777 got a reaction from Billy Chop in Need your help, LST.   
    New Hampshire Congress St. Tattoo - *** Congress st/Hobos tattoo. Jason Scott is a great tattooer and has some strange (honest higgs-ish good strange) traditional tattoos I love. Bill Rocha works at the shops and was Marcus Khuns apprentice and it shows, but beyond that hes a solid tattooer. I dont know the rest but ron wells and chad k do guest spots and its new england tattoo history. So yea...add them haha.
  2. Like
    eisen777 got a reaction from Rob I in Need your help, LST.   
    New Hampshire Congress St. Tattoo - *** Congress st/Hobos tattoo. Jason Scott is a great tattooer and has some strange (honest higgs-ish good strange) traditional tattoos I love. Bill Rocha works at the shops and was Marcus Khuns apprentice and it shows, but beyond that hes a solid tattooer. I dont know the rest but ron wells and chad k do guest spots and its new england tattoo history. So yea...add them haha.
  3. Like
    eisen777 got a reaction from Billy Chop in Need your help, LST.   
    Other the people at redemption are great besides Chris..... Erick Lynch esp
  4. Like
    eisen777 reacted to hogg in LST people, astronomical decision to be made   
    Mike's eagles are as good as his panthers. Whatever you get will rule. Keep us posted!
  5. Like
    eisen777 reacted to CultExciter in new Flash Set for 2012 !   
    Love that Rollo style Mr. Lucky!
  6. Like
    eisen777 reacted to David Flores in You know your an LST member when....   
    You honestly have no clue how many tattoos you have.
    You never leave the house without Aquaphor (or whatever you use to heal).
  7. Like
    eisen777 reacted to bulldog in You know your an LST member when....   
    ....you look at yourself and see bare skin not tattoos
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    eisen777 reacted to Our Endless Days in You know your an LST member when....   
    other than taking pictures of my tattoos, i do pretty much everything else posted in here.
  9. Like
    eisen777 reacted to slayer9019 in You know your an LST member when....   
    So I love these threads on other enthusiast sites I frequent. I wanna get one going for us here at LST.
    ...when you have white sheets that are now multi-colored
    ...when you heard the word sailor and don't think of ships
    ...when the smell of green soap and buzzing makes you excited
    ...you vacations are planned around what shops are in the area
    what ones you guys got?
  10. Like
    eisen777 reacted to Duffa in 2012 American Presidential Debates - Denver   
    Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos
  11. Like
    eisen777 reacted to Dan S in 2012 American Presidential Debates - Denver   
    Wondered if I was the only dinosaur!
    - - - Updated - - -
    Actually, I hate both of them, but it makes no difference who wins or loses, the real power isn't in the President, and the partei's are just two sides of the same coin.
    The ONLY way to get this Nation back to it's original state of being by the people, for the people, is to topple the two-partei system and replace the corrupt federal oligarchy with the Constitutional Republic that was founded and intended by our forefather.
    Abortion, immigration, hoplophobia, race, these are all just social-constructs used by the Mandarin class to keep the serfs divided and occupied.
    "And what country can preserve it's liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
    Thomas Jefferson, writing to William Stevens Smith in 1787.
    And just as true today.
  12. Like
    eisen777 got a reaction from ian in 2012 American Presidential Debates - Denver   
    I have too much hate for Mitt and while I dont like Obama much I will do anything to prevent Mitt from power. I wanted to vote 3rd party but my Mitt hate is so strong that Ill just vote obama to prevent him from getting into power. Then 4 years later ill hope the options are better.
  13. Like
    eisen777 reacted to ShawnPorter in Tattoo age on VBS   
    He will, yes.
    Scott Harrison told me the story of how they managed to get him talking; I'm terrible at telling other people's stories, but... god I hope that's included in the final product!
  14. Like
    eisen777 reacted to Lochlan in 2012 American Presidential Debates - Denver   
    I'm a fan of politics, talk them everyday, and they impact my work though we should probably stay away from politics as much as possible on this tattoo forum.
    We have seen the most minor stuff set someone off and the forum moves from its purpose. Unfortunately this thread would probably end up getting heated, then the most traffic though people will say they hate drama, and tattoos will get neglected
  15. Like
    eisen777 reacted to Our Endless Days in 2012 American Presidential Debates - Denver   
    abortions for some, miniature american flags for others.
    if you know what this is from, you're cool in my book.
  16. Like
    eisen777 reacted to Billy Chop in Upcoming Tattoos   
    Met Mike at the Montreal Convention. One of the nicest most humble dudes ever. Wish I'd had the loot to get a piece from him while I was there!
  17. Like
    eisen777 reacted to slayer9019 in Upcoming Tattoos   
    I get a nice back to back 2 weekends getting my leg worked on. Can't wait to be unable to sit properly for 2 weeks...joy
  18. Like
    eisen777 reacted to CultExciter in Upcoming Tattoos   
    Aw hell, just locked in Mr. Mario Desa for the Richmond Convention. Now I just gotta figure out what to get.
  19. Like
    eisen777 got a reaction from slayer9019 in Any metalheads out there?   
    Personally I dont think the last few darkthrone albums are even close to A blaze in the Northern Sky, Under a funeral Moon, T.H. and panzerfaust. I still like them all, but those albums are just classic.
  20. Like
    eisen777 reacted to G.Uristti in Snakes snakes snakes   
    i did this a few months ago
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    eisen777 reacted to bulldog in October 2012 Best Tattoo of the Month Contest   
    Finally uploaded a few of my tattoos to my gallery so here's my favourite, my foxy lady head by the very talented Valerie Vargas.

  22. Like
    eisen777 reacted to CultExciter in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Sorry for the shitty Instagram pic, but some shading/color from Chris O'Donnell/Saved Tattoo.

  23. Like
    eisen777 got a reaction from TrixieFaux in Collar tattoos: Necklaces, chains, ropes, wreaths NO SCRIPT PLEASE   
    Thats my wife.....its been finished and looks great.
  24. Like
    eisen777 reacted to CultExciter in Bristol Tattoo Club.   
    That is so funny that Sailor Jerry is mentioned, because if you read "American Tattoo Master" he hated Doc Forbes, Lyle Tuttle and Bill Skuse.
  25. Like
    eisen777 got a reaction from Graeme in The move from upper arm tattoos to a full sleeve..   
    Im not going to let the uncertain future plan my tattooing. So I avoid hands and neck but the rest is good to go...at worst I wear longsleeves to work(like I do now).
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