I found this thread because I'm kind of struggling with this right now. An employee just got a wrist tattoo that is driving me nuts, because we've had conversations about displaying them at work in the past and I feel like it's a slap in the face. In my personal life I appreciate alternative lifestyles and most of my friends are heavily tatted. I got a corporate office job at the age of 16 and worked my a$$ off to become the Controller 11 years later. I've had all different colors in my hair, I used to have my septum pierced and have a tattoo of my own on my back - however -- at work I dress conservatively and I'm totally ok with that because *I* know who I am. I don't come to work to 'express myself' - I come to get a job done for the company paying my salary and don't need the extra judgement or distractions from my performance. The piercing never showed, I keep my hair darkish brown/black, and my tattoo doesn't show unless I wear a particular type of shirt. Here is my issue... I actually like tattoos, but everyone's perception of what is 'acceptable' in the workplace will be different. It's easiest for companies to have a no-tatt policy. If you let one person go around with a visible tattoo on their arms, but tell another to cover theirs on their breasts (which they purposely have hanging out just to display that tattoo) it creates a negative situation. If you let one person show off their country's flag, but not a confederate flag-- that creates drama. If you let someone show off a picture of their Mom but not of a risqué pinup, it creates drama. It shouldn't be the responsibility of your boss to HAVE to tell you to cover it when it's deemed unacceptable. We, as bosses, shouldn't have to go around "inspecting" everyone. There will always be one bad apple to ruin it for everyone, I can guarantee that. (The boob situation mentioned is a true story, of a person sitting up front behind glass doors greeting everyone. Sorry- not acceptable in a corporate office.) Obviously, I have nothing against the tattoos themselves, but I am against displaying them in the workplace for reasons such as that.
A lot of people on this thread feel that it's due to judgement from their peers or bosses -- but I have to disagree. The picture is much larger than that. The owners here and myself couldn't care less, but we have hundreds of International (and very conservative) customers who come into our office all the time and if THEY don't like what they see, or feel that it's an unprofessional environment, we could potentially lose that business to a competitor. Some may not care, others might! But is it worth the risk? You may be the most awesome person in the world, but it must be exhausting trying to prove that all the time. Unfortunately, we don't always get the chance to divulge our souls to each person we meet. Why make it harder on yourself? Frankly, I got more pleasure out of being the person I am -inside- and making it to where I have in the corporate world. Way more gratifying than showing a tattoo. Plus, there are a billion OTHER places to get ink that won't be hanging out all the time -so no one is saying you can't have the tattoo - just think it over first. You just have to decide if it's worth the risk. Like it or not, if you find your dream job and they DONT allow tattoos -- then what?
I would also say it depends what you want to do as a career--but generally the corporate world is not the place.
I don't think this will be the popular opinion on a tattoo blog, but hopefully you'll understand my pov.