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Posts posted by Perez

  1. Thanks Perez, great idea. As you are a TLC alumni do you think you could organise a discount for her?

    Good one!

    Anyways, My honest question for you is this; Why isn't your wife posting on this forum? It seems to me if she really wants to be "in the business" it would be far more beneficial for HER to be on here asking questions and rubbing E-elbows with real, and many quite accomplished, tattooers. This would be a far better resource for her to be taking advantage of directly, why the middlemanning?

  2. hahaha in Florida we call it a miami body suit.. dudes with no tattoos except hands and neck...

    way to make yourself unemployable and look like a total chode!

    i plan on waiting until my art career is a little more secure and i know i won't have to work retail on the side anymore to do the tops of my hands and fingers... plus i still have a ton of room on my legs including both knees and a lot of thigh space

    Haha yeah in NY/NJ we call tattooing that starts at the hands and ends at the elbow "Puerto Rican sleeves" the Boricua thugs refuse to get tattooed anywhere it won't be seen.

  3. I have no real plans to tattoo my neck or, aside from the few tiny things on them already, my hands. When I was first introduced to tattooing, hand and neck tattoos were the exclusive provenance of bikers, junkies and lifers, it was scary shit. Most tattooers didn't even have their necks or hands tattooed, and if they did they had earned it by running out of space elsewhere. It used to make you look fucking TOUGH, but these days (no offense to those with neck and hand tattoos) every suburban 18 year old with a screamo band has their hands and throat tattooed. (and often nothing else. the "warped tour body-suit" as I like to call it.) it's just not a club I'm interested in joining. Probably not going to tattoo my feet either.

    I'd tattoo my weiner though. If Pat would agree to do it ;)

  4. Paul Murphy went through the trouble of collecting the information for all the advertisers fo the show. Contacting them to express your distaste might be one of the only productive measures you could actually take.

    These are the Sponsors of TLC's Tattoo School. Let Them Know How You Feel About Their Irresponsibility.

    (Top 3)

    Volkswagen Group of America

    2200 Ferdinand Porsche Dr. Herndon, VA 20171

    (703) 364-7000


    Target Corporation

    1000 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis, MN 55403

    [email protected]


    Bally Total Fitness. Inc

    8700 W. Bryn Mawr Ave.

    Chicago, IL 60631.



    Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc.

    19001 South Western Ave. Dept. WC11

    Torrance, CA 90501

    send email here: http://toy/ ota.custhe lp.com/cgi -bin/toyot a.cfg/php/ enduser/as k_intercep t.php


    701 First Avenue

    Sunnyvale, California 94089

    (408) 349-3300

    yahoo-inc. yahoo-inc.como-inc.com

    Troy-Built (owned by MTD)

    MTD Products Headquarters

    P.O. BOX 368022. Cleveland, OH 44136


    Frito-Lay (ad was for Sunchips)

    7701 Legacy Dr

    Plano, TX 75024

    (972) 334-3471

    Proctor & Gamble (Gillette razors)

    HQ: One Procter & Gamble Plaza Cincinnati, OH 45202

    (513) 983-1100

    Unilever Products (Dove Soap and Degree Deodorant.)

    800 Sylvan Avenue.

    Englewood Cliffs. New Jersey 07632

    201 894 7760


    Nationwide World Headquarters

    One Nationwide Plaza

    Columbus, OH 43215–2220

    feedback: 1-800-882-2822

    customer svc: 1-877-669-6877


    Sprint Nextel Headquarters

    2001 Edmund Halley Drive

    Overland Park, Kansas 66251


    Johnson & Johnson (Pledge dusting products)

    One Johnson & Johnson Plaza

    New Brunswick, New Jersey 08933

    (732) 524-0400

    www.j nj.com/wps /wcm/jsp/c ontactUs.j sp

  5. I also 100% understand Perez's point of view. I very much understand the concept of bearing witness, and have committed large chunks of my life to causes that I support and believe in. But I also think that TLC just sees dollar signs when their stupid show, before it even airs, causes this much of a stir. Tim might as well make a statement against MacDonalds or Big Oil or whoever else runs commercials during NY Ink.

    I'm not saying he should deride any of the show's sponsors, or even the TLC/Discovery network if he doesn't see fit. I'm just simply saying he's in a position of influence to explain to the lay people that will be watching both his show AND this new one which are airing concurrently WHY Tattoo School (both show and concept) is a bad idea.

  6. Say for an example if Tim does say something, many more will watch the show. Cause we respect Mr. Hendricks, we know his a great tattooer and a stand up guy.... but the average fan of NY Ink doesn't hold him in such regard. So when they see that his pissed off at this show, they are going to want to check it out, not listen to him how we would.

    I could not possibly disagree with you more.

  7. In answer to someone who was wondering why some of us from the 'OTHER' shows don't use their social networking to comment: why would I want point out to tens of thousands of people about a terrible thing and make them look, it gives TLC more power and free advertising, and I'll be damned if I'm gonna do that. The best thing to do is not watch, hell don't watch any reality tv for that matter. None of us knew about this new show, it's not like we talk to TLC unless it's for a legal purpose now and then. TLC is owned by Discovery Chanel and is a monstrous, soulless network. They buy episodes from a production company who pitches the idea and then makes it happen. Find the production company who made this atrocity and you will then find the source and creator of this. They probably pitched it to several networks but TLC paid them the most for it.

    Tim, before I say anything I just want to say this, you have been one of my tattoo heroes who's work I have looked up to for my entire career. I am not laboring under the delusion I am anything more than some 4 year streetshop schlub who is lucky enough, thanks to Scott's board here to be able to say something you might read. I have nothing more than the utmost respect for you so don't think I'm some dude trying to "Call you out" or anything like that. My point, especially in regards to you is this:

    Whether you want to acknowledge it or not yourself, Ami, Kat etc. are the face of tattooing to mainstream America, and like it or not you are ALREADY giving TLC a bunch of free advertising for the show because they're running it sandwiched between two episodes of the TV show that you are on! Which puts the people on your show in a bit of a pickle. Now I'm not saying you should kick in the doors of TLC and tell them if they air it you quit or whatever (although I'm also NOT saying it wouldn't be awesome.) But I think silence on the matter is just isn't route to go. Like I said before, you guys are the face of tattooing to a lot of folks, you represent tattooing to millions of people on TV each week. Silence on this matter from you and the people on your show could be misinterpreted, at best as not caring and at worst, as some kind of tacit approval.

    Joe Ding-dong on his couch has no idea WHY tattoo school is bad, shit, as far as he knows, you, Ami all you guys, went to "some kinda tattoo college." Right now the chorus of disapproval on this show is a bunch of tattooers on facebook changing their photos and swearing on TLC's page and signing petitions that will most likely be tossed out. We have to face facts, the production company (Touch productions in case anyone was wondering) has already made the show, TLC is most likely going to air it in spite of everyone's outrage. and millions and millions of people are going to see it because it's sandwiched in between two episodes of what is probably their highest rated show right now, which you just happen to be on. You guys are in a position with your relationship to the network to bend their ear and at least express you displeasure, but honestly I doubt they'll listen to that either. But people WILL listen to you guys, ESPECIALLY you. You are in the unique postion of being probably the only person involved in these shows that still has the respect of the entire tattoo community, Who the fuck ISN'T going to listen to World-class tattooer and total dreamboat Tim Hendricks!? I'm not saying you owe anything to anyone, I'm not saying you have a duty to do anything, I'm just saying you'd be a fucking hero if you did.

  8. Really surprised there has been no public comment from anyone on that OTHER tattoo show on TLC. Talk about a loss of integrity. Anybody on either one of the "INKs" could be winning some of their cred back and doing something positive for tattooing by publicly decrying TLC airing this shit. But unfortunately so far as far as I know they're all so deep in TLCs pocket they're not saying word one.

    Bummer, I expected more from a few of them at least.

  9. TLC Premieres Tattoo School July 14

    On Thursday, July 14 at 9pm, TLC will air "Tattoo School". Award-winning Tattoo Artist Lisa Fasulo runs a hands-on and unconventional tattoo school in upstate NY where students from all walks of life learn how to tattoo in just two weeks. These rookie students are seeking to change their lives through tattooing. With just two intense weeks under Lisa's instruction, they will get the experience tattooing on body after body with artwork of varying levels of difficulty.

    Rookie students, models risking their skin to first time body artists, a rebellious instructor and unconventional training...who will bear the drama of competition and survive?

    Read more: TLC Premieres Tattoo School July 14

    Indeed, who WILL survive? Because I might just shoot myself if this airs.

  10. I've been wrapping my own tattoos (bigger torso stuff lately) with a layer of this stuff instead of A&D or vaseline: Maxeline 5. its a lidocaine cream which is also a vasoconstrictor so it basically doesn't bleed or leak, which =no scabs. I leave the bandage on overnight and I've never had a faster heal. My Ron Wells stomach destroyer that goes from sternum to navel was peeled and healed in 10 days.

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