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Everything posted by exume

  1. I haven't had any super long sessions but I always get the chills to some degree
  2. Realized I had gained about 40 pounds since I bought a car last year, I guess a daily 3+ mile walk was doing more good than I thought. Started paying attention to what I eat and doing some ab workouts and a few other things, lost about 10 pounds in 20 days. Also I went snowboarding yesterday for the first time of the season, not much terrain is open but I had a blast!
  3. The same images I was planning on for the fronts of my thighs, looks great!
  4. I set it to translate and the subtitles were absolute gibberish. I may have suggested it in the other thread but consider that recanted unless you love bad subs and hate information.
  5. If you view it on the actual youtube page, press the cc button, turn on captions, and then you can have google translate the captions to english (or whatever else) its still beta but it should help a bit
  6. Here you are, sir - - - Updated - - - Here you are, sir
  7. I hadn't been through this thread in a few days and coming back has been glorious! Congrats everyone on the killer tattoos
  8. I love watching instagram on those get what you get days, some fun stuff comes out of that gumball machine!
  9. With my most recent tattoo, Myke asked me how I took care of my tattoos, and quickly told me to stop doing that, and go with the re-wrap method. He said to go home and wash it like normal, and after washing for the first few days to basically smother it with aquaphor, really get it in there, and afterwards dab it all off with a paper towel. Wrap the tattoo up in saran wrap for the first 3 nights just to sleep in. I thought the apply/remove of aquaphor sounded kinda crazy, but damn if this wasn't my fastest, most solid heal yet. After the 3 days of rewrapping I basically dry healed, didn't get itchy or even feel the need for lotion for a week.
  10. exume


    Welcome to LST, let me inbed the video so its stuck in your head for another day or so.
  11. @smiling.politely captain cabinet captain cabinet trapped in cabinets!
  12. @Mike Clayton : Andy Canino just posted this awesome Breaking Bad sheet he painted on instagram
  13. abject pluralized singularity
  14. Brushed about 5" of snow off my car this morning before heading to work... hello there, Winter!
  15. Yes. 3030 was crazy good, no counting how many times I've listened to it. Event II is awesome, reminiscent of the original but not recycled. Plenty of featured artists, solid beats, and it feels like Del remembered how to tell a story. Some of his recent albums were kinda let downs, glad to hear he's still got it.
  16. Deltron sequel dropped earlier this week, anyone into it?
  17. Congrats @DevilMan looks great @Eilin my girlfriend and I were staring at your panther/reaper on the instagram for quite some time, glad its on someone here!
  18. Having the same problem on my computer, works fine on my phone though.
  19. Here's what I had Myke Chambers put on me today. I'll take some of my own pictures when it heals up.
  20. I probably wouldn't call it Frisco since that's the real live, non shortened name of the town I live in
  21. exume

    Hi everyone

    Dude bro man, what's up?
  22. @Graeme I wish I could like that more than once. I might have mentioned before in here I've got an appointment with Myke Chambers next month at the Paradise Tattoo Gathering, Friday the 13th, anticipation is building.
  23. Couldn't stop staring at that samurai tiger when it popped up in my feed. Brilliant.
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