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Kill Uncle

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Everything posted by Kill Uncle

  1. I got this a week ago by an apprentice at a local shop.
  2. I was also searching for it.
  3. Shamus Mahannah He also did another one that I posted somewhere around here.
  4. i can't get a good photo with my left hand.I got this done almost 2 weeks ago.
  5. David Bowie`s Black Star album cover.
  6. I just wanted to say that Im sorry for your loss,and I like your tattoo.I don't think its too big. Its just a new thing on your arm.You will get used to it being there and probably like it a lot, in time.
  7. I got this at the beginning of September . I did post it,but only in the images section.
  8. David Bowie blackstar
  9. I absolutely hate the "how much did it cost" question.I used to answer that question to a few people,but now I ask if they are interested in getting a tattoo.If not,I don't answer the question. Its pretty interesting to me seeing the reaction of co workers when they see my tattoos. They are people that I have seen and spoken to for a lot of years. I notice their eyes looking right at my tattoos,but they don't say a thing. Its kind of funny when the ones who are closer to me, make a comment and feel that its ok to let me know how much they dislike tattoos. I really don't care what anyone thinks,anyways.
  10. I have been itching like crazy for a few days.I feel that the itchiness is worse than the pain from the needle.Its just so annoying !
  11. I got this on Saturday. The photo was taken the same day.The bruising on top is now gone.
  12. My next tattoo is a star.Not what you are looking for. Bowies last album.
  13. I have an appointment on Sept 3rd with Shamus Mahannah.
  14. Not all of us are nice.
  15. Damn did this make me laugh !
  16. A part of a Bukowski poem.I don't have a photo right now,but its this.
  17. My user name is just something on my to do list.Just kidding. Its the name of a Morrissey album.
  18. I recently came across an artist from Texas who is coming to a convention in my city. I might get him to tattoo me.Check out his FB Jonathan Montalvo.He`s amazing.
  19. I usually don't mind being asked if its one on one and the person is really interested in tattoos. I had too many people ask me,who really don't like tattoos. I hate being around a lot of people when someone asks about my tattoos,because everyone stops what they are doing to listen to my answer.I don't like attention.
  20. Kill Uncle


    Thanks.Ill check him out.
  21. Kill Uncle


    I have a small arrow,Batman logo which will be getting a touchup really soon,so I won't post a pic yet,and a guitar.I posted a picture in the music category. They were all done at XS Tattoo by an artist named Jose. I am curious as to who the Montreal Artists you follow.By any chance,Anam or Melissa Valiquette? I am also a fan of Yann Black.His style won't be liked by everyone,but I love his work.
  22. Kill Uncle


    Hello I am from Montreal,Canada. I have 3 tattoos and and a 4th coming in December,and plans for more in the future. I love looking at,and learning about tattoos,so I joined this site.
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