no way in hell are we doing specials on tattoos or lowering our prices.up until about a year and a half ago i had never even heard of tattoo specials! "anyone can sell snake-oil on a sunday". we all stand by our work and thats it. richard is probably right that brownsville is the problem, and i had been thinking about that same thing. are there just some towns that arent tattooable? meaning that the majority just doesnt get it? even after they see all the bullshit on tv that might show people what descent tattoos might look like? so after taking saturday off, drinking lots of lonestar, smoking a shit ton of camels and doing alot of grumbling about this or that is wrong with tattooing, i descided to say fuck them. nose to the grindstone. im only worried about me and mine. thats all you can do in this situation, unless you have a knack for arson. its gonna get worse before it gets any better, all we can do is try to take care of tattooing and try to educate our clients. im not into the whole internet revolution in tattooing, this is the first time i have posted anything or joined a blog forum thingy. good positive feedback thank you all again.
oh yeah fuck snitches. homie dont play that.