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MGblues last won the day on January 8 2015

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About MGblues

  • Birthday 02/13/1966

Profile Information

  • Biography
    I've been interested in anything tattoo related since the age of three when I saw my dad's tattoo. I got my first in 1985, kept getting them until 1998 when my life got a little turbulent. Life got settled down in 2010 and that's when I got back into it by accident. I have a great job and a great relationship and a great artist that allows me the opportunity to finally realize the tattoo goals I always dreamed of.
  • Location
    Murfreesboro, TN
  • Interests
    Anything Tattoo related, (duh) Music, Movies
  • Occupation
    Communications Technician for a major railroad.

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  1. @Graeme Dude, The tiger... That tiger rules!
  2. Don't post very often, but with @Graeme showing progress on his badass backpiece and the overload of cool stuff here to look at the past week, thought I's show what I've been up to the past year or so. Progress on the front side of me. Working on finishing it out and tying it all together with the back. It will be a shirt soon! October 2012 - April 2015 (chest/stomach). Got Angus Young put on me by Mr. Bob Tyrrell at the Full Moon Convention in Nashville on May 8th. I'm still blown away that this is on me. It's also the easiest tattoo to heal I've ever had. P.S. It is really hard to get a good pic of this one.
  3. Pure Awesomeness @Graeme
  4. Got this little guy yesterday as a 49th birthday/Friday the 13th/30th anniversary of my first tattoo gift to myself from Paul Pearson It's right next to the first tattoo I got 30 years ago.
  5. @Graeme Your thread made me laugh and feel a little nostalgic at the same time. You see, I'm rapidly approaching my 49th birthday. February 13th (which also falls on a Friday the 13th for the first time in ages! WOOHOO!) will mark the 30th year since I got my first tattoo. The tattoo shop was inside of a biker bar in Waynesville, N.C. It was named J.B's Tattoo & Tavern. You could get anything you wanted... As long as you picked it from the flash on the wall. He used an acetate stencil, graphite powder and Speedstick deodorant to transfer the design, and I remember very clearly that he didn't use gloves (this was 1985 after all). I've been hooked ever since, and that tattoo is still there. There's also an appointment already scheduled to mark this little milestone.
  6. I'm not sure if I ever posted a picture of my back when it was finished. Anyway, here it is. (found a better picture)
  7. Don't have a pic showing them together, but chest eagle and pharaoh's horses belly is what I went with.
  8. @Iwar This was so awesome! Excellent in every way! Reminds me a lot of the same love and care that the Gypsy Gentleman videos gave to tattooing.
  9. Indeed it was!
  10. @el twe Yeah... That's what I said, especially after how much the stomach hurt, but she is the best plainskin Missus I could ever ask for. And I forgot, there is that one little tattoo she got to mark something off her bucketlist. A four leaf clover, about 1 inch tall... On her butt. - - - Updated - - - @chrisnoluck Clean as hell!
  11. Hi guys. I haven't posted anything in ages, but that doesn't mean I don't stop by regularly and check out whats new. The past year was kind of a rough one for me health-wise, but I'm cautiously optimistic that things are looking up. I only got one tattoo in 2014 but that's okay, as it was the last big spot I had left open. I spaced out getting this tummy tickler done from May through October. Just now got around to getting a healed picture (and a shitty one at that) of it. Done by my local dude Paul Pearson at Bright Ideas in Murfreesboro TN. (P.S. Although we used a print of the original Pharaoh's Horses painting for reference my plainskin Missus prefers to call it a three headed horse with a gunshot wound).
  12. #1 AC/DC Rock or Bust My number one only because It's the only album I've bought all year. (no new Social D album this year)
  13. Posted this one before somewhere, but here's mine.
  14. This article is just a prime example of trolling. Slate has sadly turned into clickbait same as Buzzfeed and Huffpost in recent years.
  15. After seeing @Graeme get off to a good start both here and IG, I got to thinking, my backpiece has been finished for a year and a half now. I sure do enjoy having it, but, damn I'm glad it's done! I wouldn't want to experience it again.
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