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Jaycel Adkins

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Posts posted by Jaycel Adkins

  1. Completed my first GORUCK Challenge today. 13 hours, 14 miles with a 40 pound pack carrying all sorts of fucked up things around, walking down Van Ness without socks or shoes, and more push ups and flutter kicks than I can remember. And a few trips into the ocean.

    I suggest trying one out when it comes to a city near you. They are going international as well.

    Signed up for one this Summer. "Looking forward to it."

    What parts of your training for the GORUCK worked out best for you on the night?

  2. I live in eastern Kentucky in the US where being open atheist can be somewhat like being black in Alabama in the 60's so it's encouraging to feel that there are like-minded people in the world.

    Ummm....no offense, but doubts they are hanging 'Strange Fruit' in eastern Kentucky these days....

  3. Feynman was a great man.

    Personally, whether God exist or not, is a dead end question.

    I live my life by a certain code. If there is a God, then I hope it's enough. If not, well....probably wasn't my kind of crowd to begin with.

  4. 50/50 was surprising affecting, particularly Angelica Huston as the mother, near the end of the film.

    Fans of 'Drive' might want to check out 'Le Samourai.' Also if you are into chase scenes, 'Ronin' with Deniro is a pretty sweet movie, though one of the few movies that is the exception to the rule about Sean Bean characters.

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