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Posts posted by asradin

  1. Session 3 completed......still long way to go...claws, phoenix etc

    I need some advice regarding etiquette for getting the arse tattooed. Do I need to get special underwear or just drop em??? I'm not fussed just don't want to make the staff and customers feel uncomfortable lol Sure they have seen worse !!! Cheers Jon


    I didn't wear any special underwear when I got my ass tattooed. Just made sure they were clean and that I'd showered before hand :)

  2. I don't think I've ever had an almost painless tattoo but Todd Noble I found fairly light as well as Valerie Vargas. Although both tattoos were in easy spots (the side of my left calf and my upper left arm respectively) which may have made a difference. But like you've both said, if someone is heavy handed it doesn't bother me. I want a good tattoo and that means sitting no matter what's going on

  3. on sunday (final day of the convention) she was giving sheets free to tattooed customers or selling pages from it for $5 each...saying 'selling her flash book' is a grand exaggeration and a fine example how internet rumors begin

    Not trying to be funny but surely if they were never intended to be in the public eye, then why was she either giving them away or selling single sheets? It doesn't make sense to me. Again not trying to cause an argument, I was just wondering was all...

  4. @gougetheeyes That's an awesome back piece and a really cool blog. Although I don't agree with his theory on sleep deprevation. The session I hadn't slept for 30 hours before was not fun, but the following session where I got a lot of black shading done was a breeze. I think it was largely due to the decent amount of sleep I got before hand. Also I was worried about healing my back piece but I've so far found it simple enough. I've managed to wash every area of my back on my own and I don't put any cream on anything on it and it's looking good so far. Next session is 13th January. Can't wait...
  5. Twin screws, with the words "Twin Screws" over the right cheek and "Keep Clear" over the left cheek.

    A sketch and photo of these appear in the book "Sailor Jerry Collins American Tattoo Master"

    According to "Stoney" St Claire they were meant to help a sailors swim/propel them through the water if they ever went over board

  6. I'll be finishing my tiger and panther backpiece with Stewart Robson and then getting him to do my ribs. Also getting something from Todd Noble on my left leg and I'll be hopefully heading to the bay area convention this year. I've decided my legs are going to be lots of small tattoos as my torso is pretty much filled with big pieces (apart from my ribs which will be getting sorted asap)

  7. I normally just go in with either and idea or small piece of reference and then let the artists do what they want with it. Most of my work is done by the same artist so we're pretty much always on the same page (I hope) and I'm always happy for him to try out new ideas. There are only a few things I won't get tattooed on me but most of the time my reaction to a tattooers' idea is "Yeah sure." Even if it means coming out with roses twice the size I though I was getting :D

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