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    Genealogy, fitness
  • Occupation
    Insurance agent

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  1. It's amazingly beautiful. It's extremely feminine.
  2. Watauga


    That was my reasoning. Originally I was going to have a double helix tree trunk with a tree on top going up the outside of my leg. No way to really cover it in shorts. Only some parts of this will show in the summer for me as I normally wear anklet socks all the time as I sneak in walks and runs whenever I can. It took me years to decide on this. This was my 50th birthday gift. I planned it from the time I was 35. With that math, might be my first and last lol Yes, I thought wtf was I thinking? Happy birthday to me. I would have got up and walked out but, well, I'd have a half done tat haha TC, thanks. I just got up and I'm not hobbling. It's a start. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. Watauga


    Might have been a poor choice for a first tattoo. I don't even know if I'll go back for touch ups. Ouch and ouch some more.
  4. Watauga


    - - - Updated - - - Lol it worked. Kind of.
  5. Watauga


    I have no earthly idea how to do that. I hate being a noob.
  6. I almost kicked my artist in the face. :(
  7. Watauga


    No peeling. The only thing that's happened is that it's not inflamed, the redness is almost gone and I can walk almost like a normal person.
  8. Watauga


    Thanks for the welcome. 2 weeks?
  9. I'm concerned about socks and healing. Any tips or advice?
  10. Wouldn't it matter where the tat was and what you are doing? I had a full ankle tattoo done that goes around the entire ankle. I am not sure whether it's good to be on it. I'm trying to take it easy. I normally walk eight to ten miles a day. I don't even know whether I should be wearing actual shoes at this point.
  11. Jerry at Hotspot in Coralville, Iowa
  12. My artist didn't even wrap or cover my tattoo from the start or recommend it. Is it just because it circled my entire ankle? I'm not sure how it would even work to wrap it. I'm trying to stay off of it but I'm normally insanely active. I guess I'm glad that I didn't do a small test tattoo as I would have never gotten this. It's not large like many of you have but its in a painful location. I joined the forum because of this thread. How long, did it take you to be back up and running (literally)?
  13. Watauga


    I got my first and last tattoo on my birthday this past Wednesday. I planned it for years. It took a long time to figure out the where on me, placement, etc. I also had to gather the courage to do it as well. All in all I love it. I'm still in a lot of pain but it's better than it has been. I got an ankle bracelet tat that is sort of wide in places. I normally walk or run eight to ten miles per day and I'm in withdrawal right now. The reason I found this site was because of a thread on ankle tattoos and pain after. My artist told me I'd be fine almost immediately. I have determined that to be untrue. I feel almost crippled at times. This is the most beautiful injury I've ever suffered though and the only one I've ever paid someone to inflict on me.
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