i got a lot of lasering over the last years and i treated the lasered tattoo pretty much as i treat new tattoos. i left the bandage on until the next day. i always had a lot of pimples full of water which opened by just touching the tshirt. pretty disgusting, but as soon as the pimples all dryed it healed like a tattoo. i never had itching.
i just found it VERY important to wait at least a year to retattoo the lasered skin. one time i got the outlines and black shading just 6 weeks after the last lasering and it felt very wierd, bad swelling and was painful even after the actually tattooing was done and the lines faded a little bit.
i think the skin still was releasing the pigment instead of encasing the color. one the last lasered spot i waited almost 1,5 years and it worked out much better. i can only say very good things about lasering