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sleepy mel

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    sleepy mel reacted to mario desa in Angry women vent on "tramp stamp Barbie"   
    why? why are soccer moms not "cool" enough to get tattooed? tattoos are for everyone, and should be accessible to any adult wanting one. i hate this sort of elitism in tattooers. my "normal" clients, half the time, are way cooler/better people than "tattoo dudes".
    tattooing is not something that only "hip" people are entitled to, it belongs to all humanity, always has. it burns me up when tattooers talk like this.
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    sleepy mel got a reaction from Mel Noir in Collection Collectors   
    Hello I collect vintage tea cups and some painted canal ware, however the thing I like about tattoos is they dont add to the clutter in my totally overstuffed flat.
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    sleepy mel got a reaction from David Flores in Collection Collectors   
    Hello I collect vintage tea cups and some painted canal ware, however the thing I like about tattoos is they dont add to the clutter in my totally overstuffed flat.
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    sleepy mel reacted to jade1955 in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Just got back from London. My wifes second session with Stewart Robson at Frith Street Tattoo. Fuckin gorgeous.

    On the way back checked out some nice artwork at Swindon Station. Who said Swindon is a cultural dessert.

    Unknown Artist.
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    sleepy mel reacted to gougetheeyes in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Got this little guy last night from Perez. HE IS SO SAD

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    sleepy mel reacted to Iwar in Furry Friends   
    Apparently I'm not the only one in the household who's into LST :D

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    sleepy mel reacted to MsRad in Furry Friends   
    oh and, i have my second interview today to be a kitten nursery caregiver! if i get the job, i'll be in charge of taking care of 12 litters of kittens, all under 8 weeks, as part of a new pilot program at our local Humane Society. Jackson's already come up with a name for me, "Robin Doolin, kitten cuddler!" i told him it made me sound like i was a detective haha. the program is to help also educate people on the importance of spaying and neutering their cats!
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    sleepy mel reacted to Petri Aspvik in How did you decide to cover yourself?   
    I just get (when I am able to again) classic looking stuff. Shit that will look good when I am 70. The lower part of my arms will have something that gives others (and me of course) a good feeling. Tattoos are visible, social, and I want them to match my inner persona. Even more when they are visible to everyone most of the time. Now my lower part of arms have shit. Grude horror tattoo, some crap I took when I didnt know any better and some text.
    Not me. Or not the world I want to portray. This is a good text
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