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Everything posted by Duffa

  1. Congratulations my good man!!! Both Mr & Mrs @gougetheeyes look ridiculously good looking ;) Hope you guys have an amazing honeymoon and all the best possible wishes for your future together :) now go on you little scamp and enjoy time with your lovely bride!!
  2. Duffa

    Funny videos

    I love these 2 videos (sorry if they've been posted) - lmao at "round a bound" ;)
  3. It's hard to tell what my favorite part of the ad was, because it was so fucking awesome, BUT I think this gets me: "Sometimes I play guitar. Are you going to love getting baked and listening to Bob Dylan and Pink Floyd? LIVE? WHENEVER THE FUCK YOU WANT? Of course you are! I'll take requests and learn any song you like, because I have the voice of an angel and the acoustical stylings of James Fucking Taylor. AWWWWWW SHIT YEA! " acoustical stylings of James Fucking Taylor... awesome.
  4. Ah yes, that old chestnut ;) (mind you normally its up in the morning when I get up?) *And its up! :D good stuff Vice
  5. Soooooooo... is anyone else having trouble finding episode 2 of Mr Corbin? :(
  6. I don't know why, but I seriously can't stop literally lol'ing at this ;)
  7. Oh, and to answer OP's original question - now if I could ;)
  8. @CaptCanada - respect. Thats how its done ;) Apologies as I'm sure you've mentioned this before but for those playing at home (i.e me) are you going a full suit? and who might your artist be?
  9. @RoryQ - man, your back is looking amazing! I could look at it all day... (no homo... ok maybe a little ;) ) How has it been doing one day on, one day recovery, then another session? By the looks of it your not going on to the butt?
  10. aaaaaaaaah sheeeeeeeeeit! we can't have some jazzy numbers in this thread without this ;) (P.s the jazzmatazz series where/are dope.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ira3LoZiTWc
  11. By Dan Santoro (not on me!) Teenage Ghosts | Teenage Ghosts
  12. @Ursula - the funniest thing is since yesterday I have pretty much been constantly going "doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo doodle doo do". anytime, anywhere, for no reason in particular. BUT it has encouraged other people to do the same, and at Uni today I had a line of people doo-doo-ing behind me ;) (by line I mean 3 other people but it was still pretty darn funny)
  13. Well if thats how it has to be, then thats how it has to be. I'd change it if I could but... you know ;)
  14. p.s I SPIT HOT FIYAH! ;) & when Dylan starts choking Wyclef "YOUR TO CLOSE MAN!"
  15. When he drops into the 'pan-pipe solo' while walking around in circles... I loose my shit every time. (Maybe we need a Dave Chappelle thread?) AND i just realised the clip you posted @Ursula is the extended version?? Is that on the extras on the season 2 DVD? (asks the guy that owns it himself lol, I'll go check)
  16. In about 6 weeks I will be traveling back to Japan to complete my sleeve and although there are some amazing Tattooers here in Australia (especially in my hometown) I thought it'd be cool to have at least one piece done by a Japanese Tattooer. It started off as a one point while on a holiday, and then figured it may as well be completed by the same artist. Once its finished, I'll have travelled approximately... 45,000kms (27963 miles) and 3 trips for one sleeve lol. I probably could have been a bit more efficient with time but eh, its just how its worked out and each trip has been amazing so no complaints here. And I intend to make a trip to the SFO convention one of these years ;)
  17. @irezumi - apologies, I forgot to post who the artist was but this is by Horitsune II
  18. And just incase anyone forgot who the 5 best rappers of all time where ;) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixNY6oFXXTc
  19. inspired by @Ursula ;) I'd almost forgotten how dope Ice Cube was... And adding George Clinton to pretty much anything is going to make it the shit.
  20. (sorry but I had to ;) actually I'm not sorry, shit was ill when I was 7)
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