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Posts posted by Duffa

  1. @ThaliaCamille - this is true, however the thing is it's crazy expensive to get from here (bris vegas) to perth!?!? I just can't figure that one out?

    good chance Ursula is going to hate us even more... but we can get to Canadia for just over $1300 ;) could be something to do with how high the aussie dollar currently is? any one work in the aviation industry on here that can shed some light? haha

  2. "nobody in the state of California is going to hurt Drake".

    Hold up. This drake cat calls you out, you agree, so he then sends his hired help around to attempt to stand over you? Damn, I thought Drake was a whiny little bitch before this all started, but he really stepped up his game on this move. As my Canadian friends would say - weak sauce.

    (if you put a purple beret & scarf on Drakes' bodyguard I think we have a match?)

  3. Dude this looks like it was an awesome time! You tattoo is great, I'm sure you're so fucking stoked right now.

    I can't fucking believe you can get to Japan and back for $450, that's crazy! Over here (Canada) it costs about $1300, and that's when there's a sale too!

    Cheers Ursula! haha, yeah I'm super stoked ;) Yeah, I have to admit the prices sometimes are really ridiculous. It is sometimes cheaper to fly return to Japan, than it is to fly from one side of australia to the other one way (Brisbane - Perth) (your probably going to hate me for this, as will a few others, but the last two trips I've been able to fly return for $380... *starts ducking thrown objects*)

  4. Lol. Ok I had to watch this before making a comment...

    1. In the intro where the voice over guys says (in a menacing voice) "... Ten of the worlds top tattooers blah blah blah..." This is clearly flagrant false advertising. (any lawyers on here have any advice on what could be done? haha)

    2. That Jeremy dude needs a slap upside the head... and Oliver should give it to him. My limited understanding was that the majority of Japanese tattooers had been tattooing full back pieces with their clients on their stomachs for a rather long time? My bad... lol.

    3. I will admit that the best part was the judging. some of those 'tattooers' got rightfully pwned.

    Thanks to whoever posted the link so that any non-americans could have a good laugh.

  5. @CaptCanada - yeah, I meant the nearest user (other than him) Not that it was important it just made me wonder, cheers for the reply homie ;)

    @RoryQ - November you say?.. considering I need to start my back this year... and if Jetstar have a sale for that period... me thinks November would be excellent timing & an LST meet up would just be the icing on the cake!

  6. a belated...akemashite omedetou gozaimasu :)

    This. ;) welcome to LST, and hopefully when I get back over this year and make it to Tokyo (finally!) the 3 of us can meet up and have a Tokyo LST get together :) shit by that time there may even be more Japanese LST'ers (I'm working on it hehe)

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