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Posts posted by Duffa

  1. @Duffa over 10 years and and another 10 year tour in your land , Oz .

    Damn, you have been busy! I've got other questions but I'll take it to PM so as not to jack the thread ;)

    And since it has already slightly been jacked, I'll post this:


    Unfortunately its not Flash, but its an awesome super rad dragon tattooed by Matt Cunnington

    Westside Tattoo - Professional Services - Brisbane, Australia | Facebook

  2. 400th post, figured I should make it a good one ;)


    By Mr Bailey Hunter Robinson. I can't stop looking at the flower in her hair

    Copper Beehive – Tattooing by Bailey Hunter Robinson

    And of course, I had to drop some Japanese stuff in here. I've recently discovered this artists work, and I'm really enjoying checking it all out Hori-ai



    ŽhÂu’¤‚*‚¢v“ú–{“`“ŽhÂ/ƒ^ƒgƒD[uVh ‰‘ã ’¤‚*‚¢v



    ŽhÂŽt ‰‘ã’¤‚Ð‚Æ | ƒ^ƒgƒD[ƒXƒ^ƒWƒIuTATTOO STUDIO BAKUv (Hope this is the right link)

    Not a back piece but figured I could chuck it in here and I doubt anyone will mind

    By Horimasa


  3. I know how these shows work because I worked on an MTV reality show a few years ago that I can't name

    Sure you can. We're all friends here ;)

    (just a joke, fully appreciate any confidentiality agreements that I'm sure would have been signed... but does giving us hints violate anything? haha)

  4. art_img_131.jpg

    Heres one I found on the Cat Claw Tattoo web site.

    Pretty awesome IMO, a funny take on an old stand-by. Although personally "funny" tattoos aren't for me, but I'm glad this is on somebody.

    Kinda blatant spot though, but now that I think about it, one of my best friends has a tattoo with swastika incorporated in it right in his elbow ditch. His swasi is even bigger too. Its some old sailor/naval flash if I remember correctly, with a wish bone and some other good luck charm-type-stuff involved.

    He doesn't get much flack for it as far as I know, but I guess he can intimidate some people, mostly because hes pretty well covered in tattoos.

    Blah blah blah

    Now I feel like I've aired out my buddys business. Oh well.

    Blah blah blah

    Oh yeah,

    The above tattoo was done by Hiro.

    Hiro is the man. I'm pretty interested in finding out the back story to this so I'll ask and share any findings ;)

    One thing to remember though (especially in this instance) that in Japan the swastika doesn't have the same negative connotations that it does in the west, so the above tattoo is probably just for luck and not to incite anyone. Either way, I sure as hell intend to find out lol

  5. damn! this month is getting started proper!

    Haha, and then some! Good luck to everyone :cool:

    As Kyle said last month

    Looking at the standard of this contest and the dizzing heights of the latest tattoo thread one could make a good arguement that we currently in the golden age of tattooing ,for LST at least .

    As they say - the proof is in the pudding... and it seems we got one great big glorious motherfucking pudding ;).

  6. @Jake - congrats! a well deserved win ;) AND an even bigger thanks for truly being a gentleman & a scholar!! much respect (can't wait to see that bad boy finished!)

    @jade1955 - well done my friend ;) couldn't have asked for a better person to share the win with

    @Reyeslv - cheers homie!

    @Lochlan - thanks to your good self and the rest of LST & everyone that voted!!! NOW, there are going to be some random photos in said shirt for sure :p haha

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