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Posts posted by Duffa

  1. @Stitch626 - yes, I see... I dont know to much about laser, but from what little I do know, by the looks of it it should really only take a few sessions to lighten it up enough for something really nice to go straight over it. There doesn't seem to be anything to solid or any shitty colours that are super hard to get rid of, such as purple. (anyone with more knowledge about these things, am I correct in saying that?) Just think, it could always be worse ;)
  2. Now if only my black and blue koi had turned out like that I'd be much happier and not having to worry about my own cover up XD

    That sucks! Are you doing some laser first or is it small enough to cover with another tattoo just how it is? I hope it all works out ;) (if it helps I was really really lucky, I probably should have had some laser done first but thankfully it all worked out)

  3. One of my best friends & coolest mofo in the entire universe - Stooks - just got his new site up. He's just returned from a reasonable stint in Europe and is currently based at 5 Star Tattoo, Fremantle, Western Australia. Check out his stuff and if he ever comes to a shop near you (hey, it could happen? lol) and you want a super rad tattoo & good times, he's your man :cool:


    5 Star Tattoo Studio Fremantle - Local Business - Fremantle, Australia | Facebook

  4. Voted!

    And yes you have to be on twitter as far as I can tell to vote, there may be another way through facebook or something to vote..

    This may been hard to believe... but I'm one of those people who doesn't have twitter OR facebook... lol, yes, it's true. Just know where my vote would be be going if I could vote

  5. This looks EPIC. And its only the start of the year!! Not only is the artist line up already looking like a collectors (or tattoers' alike!) wet dream, the location for the festival looks like paradise. Disclaimer - I have in no way, shape or form been paid for this lol. (Look at the photos and you'll completely understand what I mean and why I pointed it out ;) )... (in saying that if they want to pay me I would let them)

    From the website NZ Tattoo & Art Festival

    "Welcome to the NZ Tattoo & Art Festival website. November 2012, New Plymouth will again play host to the New Zealand Tattoo & Art Festival, which has proven to be the biggest and boldest of its kind in New Zealand.

    The New Zealand Tattoo & Art Festival, promoted by Oni Events will showcase some of the top international and local tattoo artists and expose the public to the history, art and culture of tattooing. Along with tattooing, the festival will feature live music, burlesque, art exhibitions, tattoo competitions, graffiti art displays and more."

    *ARTISTS* (some of, so far)

    Nikko Hurtado (USA)

    Dan Smith (USA)

    Nikole Lowe (UK)

    @chad koeplinger (USA)

    Steve Byrne (USA)

    Sabado (JPN)

    Chicago Tattoo Co. (USA)

    @mario desa

    @Nick Colella

    Eric Gillespie

    Horimasa (JPN)

    Black Throne Tattoo (AUS)

    - Rachi Brains

    - Clint Steele

    - Alison Manners

    Horishin (JPN)

    Horiken (JPN)

    David Cavalcante (USA)

    Chopstick Tattoo (JPN)

    - Hori Benny

    - Wataru

    Sacred Tattoo (NZ)

    - Dean Sacred

    - Dan Andersen

    - Hamish McLauchlan

    - Capilli Tupou

    - Mark Tumaru

    Green Lotus Tattoo (AUS)

    Korpus Tattoo (AUS)

    Simon Erl (UK)

    Third Eye Tattoo (AUS)

    Chapel Tattoo (AUS)

    5 Star tattoo (AUS)

    Westside Tattoo (AUS)

    Dynamic Tattoo (AUS)

    True Love Tattoo (AUS)


    And a whooooooooooooooole lot of others. With more to be added I can pretty much guarantee. I'll update when more information goes up but for now here is the important info:

    What: The NZ Tattoo & Arts Festival

    Where: New Plymouth, New Zealand

    When: 24th & 25th of November 2012

    Artists: A shit load! NZ Tattoo & Art Festival

    Cost: I have no idea. Will update when it goes live.


    There are a number of new artists added to this already solid line up, so I won't go through them all but you can always check out the full list here:

    sydney - Tattoo Expo

    But here are some:

    Dean Sacred (NZ)

    Greg Christian (USA)

    Guy Rubicon (Belgium)

    Luke Muller (AUS)

    Mitch Love (AUS)

    I could have sworn I saw that a certain 'Gypsy Gentleman' was attending? However, that no longer seems to be the case :(

    IT'S NEXT MONTH PEOPLE! So if your in Sin City, don't miss it!!!

  7. Life is expensive for a collegestudent so saving enough for a new piece of ink will probably take a while:( but damn her portfolio is amazing. I love the girlhead with dagger on one of her flashsheets, that might be my next leg piece

    I feels ya ;) I went back to studying last year, and it almost killed me! HOWEVER, saving for a Lina Stigsson piece is probably one of the best reasons to eat even MORE instant noodles (they dont always have to be Ramen lol) Oh, and I know the piece of flash your talking bout - excellent choice :cool:

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