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Everything posted by TrixieFaux

  1. @hogg I really love @Eilin's girl head with the black cats. For some reason I have never wanted a girl head... but I do find them beautiful. Hmmmmmmmm. I've been wrong before. We met Quan Nguyen at boxing last week, and this is what has put the idea of a CC tattoo back into the forefront of my mind. Quan is a great guy with some beautiful tattoos!
  2. I want a tattoo from Chris but I don't know what to get... It's a strange problem. I guess I will figure it out. I'm not closed off to suggestions though...:confused: PANTHER SKULL DAGGER?! :D - - - Updated - - - ETA: I was just kidding with the panther skull dagger thing, but...come to think of it...a Chris Conn panther would be really amazing, maybe that is what I need.
  3. Yay, @SeeSea...so exciting!!!! So, yes, Doug and Stella walked me in and hung out while I filled out my paperwork and waited for the sketch. Then they left when Horitomo was ready to begin. I think I was there for about 5-6 hours and they also visited one time in the middle. They only stayed about 5 minutes so they wouldn't get in the way. He seemed fine with it. He is a man of few words but seemed very mellow and laid back. Can't wait to see your monmon cat!
  4. @cibo, your arm is looking so pretty! Ooh, yours is rad, too @El Dolmago!
  5. Here are my lady arms! My right arm in the left pic was still in-progress. Not too masculine for my taste.... but I guess it all comes down to personal taste. Get what you like! I also don't know what a deco-ish googah is...?!
  6. Merry Christmas from Aurora & Tomo! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. @keepcalm you have some great responses here! I have had a similar experience with my mom. She hates tattoos and has made snide comments for years... but recently I feel like we have finally made progress. Basically, I would just argue with her about it a little each time she would make a comment, and then drop it and go about my business of getting tattooed as much as I liked. Then, this last time I saw her (over the summer) she was upset about a comment I made about her being mean to me over my tattoos. She said she has never been MEAN to me, but was just stating her opinion. I told her, "I already know your opinion so constantly restating it is kind of, well, mean! The tattoos are here to stay so get used to it!" Since then she has stopped with anything negative or any mention of them. For a long while there she wouldn't "like" any pics of me on facebook if my tattoos showed (whereas she "liked" all my pics where they don't show). Quite recently she liked AND commented, "I love this" on a picture that clearly showed my whole right sleeve. PROGRESS! I wasn't expecting to crack through her shallow, cold, hatred of tattoos, but it's happening! Or at least it's not in my face any more. Yay. Hang in there. You gotta be you.
  8. Here's the thread: http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/forum/general-tattoo-discussion/15-latest-tattoo-lowdown.html Look at the amazing work in there and add your own. Several of the threads on this forum are ongoing like that...
  9. TrixieFaux


    3rd boxing class tomorrow. Ordered my own boxing gloves and wraps... I'm in it to win it now!!!! Even got @DJDeepFried to go with me! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. I thought it might be his way of showing a little jealousy and agreeing with @Lance that I need a second Horitomo, this time of Tomo with lightening bolts... I might be reading too much into this, but... if that's what he's saying, he has a point.
  11. This is the second time Tomo has "accidentally" scratched me on my Aurora-inspired monmon... Do you think he's trying to tell me something? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Looking good guys! @Pugilist your new tattoos are so beautiful. [emoji106] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. I've never had an interest in boxing, but the mom of one of my kindergartners told me I should take a class at her and her husband's boxing gym. I laughed at first but then I thought, what the hell?! I got my other kindergarten teacher friend to join me for a class today. Holy crap it was grueling, and so much fun! I want to go back!!! Every time the instructor (my student's dad) would bark out orders, my friend would go "This is BULLSHIT!" and we'd crack up. Hopefully we didn't laugh too much for the more serious fighters in the class. Seemed like the music was up loud enough that it didn't matter. Great time. After the workout I asked the mom if this was payback for not giving her son enough stickers. Of course they did not even react in the slightest to my tattoos, not even the little kid! I knew they'd be cool like that. I have a feeling I am going to be wicked sore tomorrow and possibly Monday.
  14. Woo hoo @Pugilist! Btw, wanted to tell you I'm taking a boxing class tomorrow!!! Don't ban hammer me for being off topic...:eek:
  15. I got my tragus & rook back in March/April... the tragus seems to be 100% healed, fingers crossed... But the rook is still sore on-and-off. It's sore right now goddammit. But I am hanging in there. It is going to heal!
  16. Hi @Lppp64, ask away!
  17. I was at an educators' training today with my principal and a bunch of teachers from my school. Since it wasn't a thing where any students would be, I wore clothing that showed my tattoos. My boss sat down with me on a break and wanted to see all of them. He said they were beautiful. He has the attitude that it is up to me what I want to do but understands why I cover them at work. "People can be so judgy," is what he said. I'm still going to cover them at work, but I'm just glad to know he's cool like I had hoped. He seemed to especially like the Horitomo.
  18. Good point...he has an appointment with Seth coming up in Nov!
  19. Oh yeah the ol' dog food solution! You may or may not know that cat food works just as well. But where can we commiserate about wanting a tattoo and having NOTHING booked or even planned out? I got so much work over the past couple years that now is the time I have to slow down. Life has some other expenses for me, debts, bedding sets, etc... but I miss having an appointment to look forward to! I do have some ideas for the future, just don't know when. Guess I just have to live vicariously through you guys for now.
  20. ^^ oops looks like I had a quote malfunction....but I think you can figure it out! (@Mick Weder) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Love the two different color eyes and the split tail! Nice!!!
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