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Posts posted by TrixieFaux

  1. I think it was 1992, I was 22. My boyfriend at the time said he was getting a tattoo that weekend in New Hampshire (you still couldn't get them in Boston where we lived) and asked me to go with him. I said sure, I'll get one too. I only had a couple of days to come up with something. I am not a Pisces, but I picked the Pisces symbol with the 2 yin-yang fish because I always liked fish in art and liked that symbol. It is small and on my stomach, black & red. I am still happy with it. It's a little blurry now but who cares, it seldom sees the light of day! Getting that first tattoo was an exciting experience.

  2. We live in a world that is prejudicial and it will not change.

    Except...it actually does change. Slowly. It already has changed quite a bit in terms of acceptance of tattooed people. Maybe not at M&S, whatever the hell that is, but some places. Tattoos are not universally accepted by any means, but where I live (Los Angeles) they kind of are. I have them because I like them and I don't care what others think of it. If I got kicked out of a charity event I was volunteering at I guess I'd be pissed. It doesn't really matter. She'll be fine.

  3. someone who is a "soccer mom" now wasn't always that. Are tattoos only for certain people? This irks me because if you saw me now (a mom, teacher, etc.) you might think I just jumped on the tattoo bandwagon when in actuality I got my first tattoo 20 years ago long before I ever knew I'd even become a mom. Many of us are drawn to tattoos.

  4. wow, the Spectrum gets some bad writers.

    "It's hard to believe that in 2012, issues like feminism, freedom of speech, freedom of expression, and the inherent rights people have over their own bodies are…well, even issues in the first place."

    Really? Is that hard to believe?

    I don't actually really get his point because I don't think he has one. If that lame chick who thinks it's immoral to have tattoos can write her opinion and enjoy her "freedom of expression"... then, what's the problem with people writing e-mails replying to her?

    "At this point, I feel it's necessary to clarify my own standing on tattoos, because [blah blah blah]..." Um, no. Who the hell cares what your standing on tattoos is?

    "Right now, your heads and the multitude of piercings in them are probably bobbing up and down in agreement." Again, no, you condescending jackass.

    Oh boy. I think that movie Idiocracy is really coming true.

  5. I hate comments like: benny Posted at 10:28 AM Today

    "When i see dopes with tattoos i always think back to who were the first recipients of these dumb things....sailors and criminals."

    I can understand not liking tattoos. It's a personal preference. I just don't get why people who dislike them just don't get them. Why do they care what others do. I like the attitude, "It's not my skin, what do I care." That's how I feel about people who don't have them as well as people who have images I would never get. And where did he learn history? Was the ice-man a sailor or a criminal? Not that we know of.

  6. There's some funny stuff in here but I have to say I'm getting sick of anti-hipster rants (not just on here but everywhere), especially by people who may or may not realize that they are perceived as hipsters themselves by some since the term does seem to cover a lot of ground. I'm joining the hipster loving backlash. But some of these guys in this thread don't qualify like the LV dude. I can't pretend to love that. These two beardos above with the shoe problem on the other hand...kinda cute....

  7. I posted it a while ago in another thread...here it is, just a small and simple outline on my inner forearm done by Graham Chaffee @Purple Panther, Hollywood...I e-mailed him a water color painting and he adapted it for me. Thanks for the warm welcomes.

  8. Hi, I've posted a couple of times on other threads but here's my initiation post...

    I'm a 42 y.o. wife, mother of a rambunctious little three year old, and inner city kindergarten teacher. Even though I am now a regular old tax paying, contributing member of society I still feel a connection w/the teenage punk rocker that I once was. Having tattoos helps me maintain that part of my identity... I think. Either that or I just like 'em. I got my first tattoo in 1992 and my fifth one last month. I will most likely get more.

    I'm learning a lot here. One bummer was reading that tattoo artists hate tattooing owls because apparently there is an owl trend among hipsters of late? One of the two tattoos I got last month is of an owl. Being a working mom, I don't go to shows any more and don't run into many hipsters so I didn't know of this trend. But I have always loved owls and as a teacher thought it would make a nice symbol for the love of my profession. Oh well. I love my barn owl tattoo and would have still wanted it had I known.

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