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Posts posted by TrixieFaux

  1. I've never had strangers say anything about them, but my dad told me that he thinks tattoos are trashy and that I'll regret them one day. Had I been 5 years younger I would have argued about it, but instead I just shrugged and said "egh, I don't think so."

    My mom says they look "trashy" too. She also advised that I get therapy...in an I'm joking but not really kind of way. I think I just told her that we each have our own personal style and it's okay if they are not the same. As for therapy I told her she would probably be the one who needs it since I'm happy and she's the one w/a problem w/tattoos! ;-)

    Oh, ps. @Dan S. -- I married into a Jewish family. They observe but are reform (rather than conservative or orthodox) and they are actually very laid back about the tattoos I have and now my husband has. My 73 yo mother-in-law has actually expressed a desire to get one. We would be happy to take her but she chickens out.

  2. That woman in the store was so obnoxious... I would have wanted to say something like: If I choose to decorate my "temple" it should be no concern of yours. Although I probably wouldn't actually say anything and just raise my eyebrows in surprise. Why do strangers think it's ok to tell you what you should or shouldn't do. She hasn't learned yet that she can only control what she does.

    I am a teacher too...and an animal lover and vegetarian. At 43 I am about to get my 7th tattoo. Each one is larger than the one before. Screw 'em. You gotta be you!

  3. Thank you, I've been looking at his stuff ever since you posted this and it's rad. Another tattoo artist to love. I probably won't be able to get in w/him either, but I'll try! So far I sent an e-mail.

    Maxime Buchi will be in LA at the end of the month, he has a similar style. I know Thomas is one of his biggest influences though he doesn't totally copy Thomas' style. Maxime is also covered in tattoos from Thomas.


    - - - Updated - - -

    I'll add that probably the best place to get tattooed by Thomas is at a convention... that's how I did it...

  4. Ha- no, but we did talk about the best way to go about getting tattooed by him. He likes to start in New York, so it requires another trip out there. I have a few other places I want to visit first, but I have plenty of room ;)

    I've been trying to get in touch w/him but just got a reply from Saved that he is not taking on anything new (pretty much what it says on his webpage but was trying anyway, doesn't seem I'll be able to get through the filter). He has such a recognizable style, I don't feel comfortable asking another artist to do that style as it is not their style. It kind of sucks that there is only one of him haha. I know there are a couple of other tattoo artists in the world who do similar black work with depth & symmetry but don't know of any in southern California. Let me know if anyone has any recs.

  5. My wife TrixieFaux is on LST all the time and I figured this is a good way to spy on her -- I mean, participate in a meaningful discussion about tattoos with other enthusiasts.

    har har, just saw this.

  6. I just got the first session done on my back. I've been waiting a few years for this one, mainly because I wanted to save the $ to do it and find the right artist. Due to work and life it will probably be September or so before I can even think about going back for session 2.

    Cool! What are you getting? Do you have any pics?

  7. yeah, it's psycho-stalker creepy. He sends twitter messages to her telling her she's "magical" and is covering his body w/her image and song titles... Reminds me of this documentary about Tiffany and a couple of psycho-stalkers she's been dealing w/since her teen idol days, "I Think We're Alone Now". I think Miley is in for a lifetime of being stalked by this guy.

  8. Hey Cinder, what will you be teaching? I'm a teacher--currently in a kindergarten collaborative classroom. I have a couple of tattoos that are often visible, a few more that usually aren't, and plan on getting more. It has not been an issue at all, but I work in the inner city in Los Angeles where most of the parents of my students are also tattooed. As was recently mentioned in the tattoos & the workplace thread, it depends on your employer, but location is a big factor, too.

  9. He did not show up by the way and like I said, not here to judge, just wondering if I am an asshole for refusing to do something because I don't see things the way a customer does.

    For what it's worth--I don't think it would be an asshole move, but rather a display of character to refuse to tattoo a hate symbol. Glad for you that he didn't show up.

  10. I hear that. I've been to 4 different artists. Since I like my most recent tattoo the best, I think I'll stick with this artist for anything in the future even though I know there are many great artists in my area. At least I know whatever she does, it will most likely be similarly styled and with the same artistic eye as the one she already did. She'll know how to make it work.

  11. Are the ones you've already got of just 1 style?

    Um, not really...

    Two on my upper back are solid black (a lotus and a cat silhouette), then my right upper arm has three black & gray roses (as seen in my avatar) and inner forearm has a barn owl --similar style (more realistic) but the roses are large and the owl is small. Other upper arm has a black & white nautical star w/my daughter's name in script above it.

    I like my roses the best, sometimes I just think I want to continue them and wrap them across my back or get other types of flowers. Other times I think I want a tiger and/or a mocking bird. But then I worry about size/style/placement in regards to the others. Over-thinking? Maybe. Perhaps just leave it to the artist. That seems to be the common advice here and good advice.

    And then there's the panther and the skull !!

  12. I have a question that seems appropriate to this thread.

    For those who have patchwork sleeves, how much planning went into choosing all the pieces/placements. I feel like I want everything to flow really well and be really cohesive (think the Stuart Cripwell legs), so I've been trying to think pretty far in advance about the pieces I want and stuff and I was just curious about how common this is.

    I'm having an issue with this. I have 6 tattoos. I didn't really plan ahead to make them cohesive...they are all over the place. Now that I want more I'm putting more thought into it and am a little stumped about the layout and what should go where. My husband just got a 1/2 sleeve and I'm kind of jealous--he has this one big tattoo that flows so perfectly while I have this mish-mash of stuff. I still like all of my tattoos and rationalize that they are individual pieces that meant something to me at the time and they don't need to go together as if they were one big piece. But, I'm still stumped on #7. So if #10 is a panther (duh), what's #7? Ha ha.

  13. When I met my husband 10 years ago I only had 1 small tattoo and he had none. I started getting a couple more here and there. Last summer I got 2 tattoos pretty close together. He and one of his friends came with me for one of them and we all ended up getting one. He was 41 when he got that first one. After getting that one, he got the bug. I booked my Kim Saigh appointment for Feb and when he saw my beautiful roses, he decided to book with her. Now I have 6 tattoos and he has 2, but his second one is a half sleeve --his 3rd session w/her is tomorrow. So he went from having none and not even seeming that interested to kind of surpassing me. He is already talking about what he's going to get for his other arm. I'm psyched. I've influenced him and his arm looks rad. I'm really happy that now we share this interest.

  14. i just got I love tattoos today for my birthday, so good!

    I just got this for my husband for his birthday, too. He is about to go to Kim Saigh for his 3rd session on an amazing looking koi fish 1/2 sleeve. It's a beautiful book. I don't have any color tattoos and some of those pictures make me want one...

  15. but I do realize religion keeps the masses human,

    I would disagree w/that. Seems to have caused a lot of wars and other inhumane injustices throughout history. I have no problem with any individual seeking anything that helps them to become a better person or whatever it does for you. But, I remain human without religion. Compassionate, even.

  16. I'm agnostic, non-religious, and also annoyed by people who refer to themselves as "spiritual"...just a pet peeve. When I hear someone say, "I'm not religious, but I'm spiritual..." I just want to slap them upside the head. But I don't because I have morals and slapping isn't right. Also, I think I may have said that when I was in my twenties.

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