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Posts posted by TrixieFaux

  1. He did a dragon/tiger/peony sleeve for me. I started with a dragon on my inner forearm, than the following year I covered up an old black and grey eagle with the tiger. The following year I decided to just sleeve up the whole arm, which took another 4 sessions I believe. The peony is on the inner bicep. The last two years he did a koi on my right lower arm. I have a black and grey lion portrait on my right upper arm, so I am not quite sure what to do with the rest of it.

    Sounds cool, any pics?

  2. Ah' date=' I was waiting for someone to come up with the "Nazi" thing.

    Den is NOT a Nazi, self-proclaimed or otherwise. He IS the victim of an unrelenting smear attack by leftist fools who see any acknowledgment of history as being in some way "racist".

    The images he has tattoed of German soldiers and officers have been just that...German SOLDIERS. Anyone who has humped a pack in any army in the world will tell you they have a degree of respect for another SOLDIER, no matter that they are on opposing sides. He has done no tattoos, that I am aware of, that are of so-called "war-criminals", or NS leaders or heros. The tattoos that have drawn the most fire are two copies of recruiting posters for the Wehrmacht, and a protrait of Joachin Peiper, a famous tank-commander, who was apolitical.

    He has also done a good bit of work of Russian SOLDIERS, cosmonauts, and the like.

    As for the racist crap, take a look at his FB page, and look at the work he posted yesterday, then go back and look for yourself at the work in his photos.

    "Nazi-inspired images"... A "Nazi" was a member of the Nationalist-Socialist German Workers Party. Very few SOLDIERS were Nazis. They fought and died by the millions because that was their profession, and that's what they were ordered to do. The despicable actions of a small minority of one quarter of one branch of the armed forces of a State does not automatically make all others serving in those armed forces some type of fiends.

    Let's see, if I follow that resoning, his portrait of a cosmonaut must mean he's a Commie, and his MANY portraits of African children must mean that he's Black, right?

    I don't know the guy, never met him, but I've seen enough of the character-assassination by computer to know it when I see it. He does a tattoo of a German soldier in combat, he does a tattoo of a Russian kid in one of the ghettos with right-wing imagery, so he must be a Nazi.

    He tattoos life. Are there right-wing youngsters in the old eastern-bloc? Oh yeah. Are there reminders of "The Greast Patriotic War" everywhere in Russia, especially in Moscow, where he lives? Hell yeah.

    Again, tattooing those does not make him a racist or a Nazi. Why do people insist on parsing everything in terms of their own ethos?

    Here's a nice example. I'm half-Irish. Still have plenty of family there. My Grandda left after Easter Week in '16 with a bounty on his head. I have spent many an hour here and in Ireland going round with lads from the Provos, and from the Real. I strongly agree with their desire for a unified Ireland. I strongly disagree with their, as I see it, socialist, of not outright communist, philosophy. So I shoudl call any of them, or anyonhe that tosses a dollar in the bucket on the bar a Commie, right?[/quote']

    Well that's why I said, "maybe you can't believe everything you read.". Still, I prefer to err on the side of caution. The plight of the Jews is too close to my heart. It would be a personal choice of mine still to do business elsewhere. No flame wars necessary. Doesn't really matter, I won't be in Russia any time soon. I still like the tattoos he did of animals.

  3. Geez, I just did a quick search on Den Yakovlev with the term "racist?" and got several results that say yes he is a proud self proclaimed Nazi. Maybe you can't believe everything you read? But hell no, I personally would not want to give him business regardless of how good of an artist he is. There are plenty of not so hateful tattoo artists to choose from.

    Stella is an awesome name, and is added to our list of possibilities, which is rather short so far.Stella, Mia, Kiera, Mika

    I had a look last night at the work of Den Yakovlev, and I have to admit I am in awe of his work, he is an amazing artist, but I was also shocked to see so many Nazi Inspired images. I wonder if he is racist, or if he is just happy to tattoo whatever the client asks for ? And if he is into the Nazi culture, I am not sure what it says about me if I give him my business?

    I never thought I would be pondering these questions today !

  4. Whoawhoawhoa -- more couples on LST>! @DJDeepFried and @TrixieFaux? Awesome.

    Also awesome, @Pugilist that you're coming from a totally different place than most others seem to be. Glad I can get into 'em with my wife now, too, (we got matching ones on our birthdays!)

    - - - Updated - - -

    OVER A YEAR AGO! Going back and reading through this thread is super fun.

    oops, looks like I posted nearly the same thing on this thread twice without realizing it...only they were a year apart so the number of tattoos has gone up! Maybe I should post it again next year and see how the numbers have changed...

    That's cool--what did you and your wife get for your matching tattoos?

  5. Ireland is a place I've always wanted to see. Hm, well, we finally agreed on the name Stella for our daughter (now 4 1/2). Others on my list were: Sidra, Lydia, and Violet... For a boy I had wanted Anton and DJ wasn't going for it, good thing we had a girl. Welcome!

  6. We don't watch it for the drama or imagine it to be "reality" but I think that since we are not in the industry and we don't get to be around tattoos all the time, we just enjoy watching tattoos being made. I love Gypsy Gentleman and Tattoo Age--wish those were the shows on TV. But we are just junkies for anything tattoo-related I guess. Except tattoo school...it's just 100% unwatchable. At least all the other shows had occasional good tattoos and sometimes accurate commentary, and yes, Oliver Peck is entertaining and cool. The worst thing about Ink Master type shows to me is the stupid "teasers" and how they re-play certain scenes again and again as if they are that interesting. I would prefer to see more close up shots of the tattoos.

  7. Then the commentor goes on to call young people sheep.

    That comment was annoying! I suppose if someone goes out and gets the exact same tattoos as someone else and puts them in the same place single white female style...that person could be called a sheep or more appropriately, a psycho. Tattoos, regardless of how many people have them, are still an individualistic pursuit in my eyes. We each decide what we are getting and where we are getting it. It's creative and fun and none of us look the same. Now all that plain skin is another story. It's just so crass and boring to look at day in and day out hahaha. Just kidding, I don't care if people don't have tattoos.

    On a side note, while my mom hates tattoos--when I told my dad I wanted more and his response was, "Well, you have more space!" He doesn't have any, he's just more open minded like that.

  8. I got my first tattoo at 22. I always liked it and figured I'd get another, but it took a while. Finally got another one at 36. Then a couple more...nothing huge.

    Now I am 43 and am just getting around to getting bigger, higher quality ones.

    I think a reason I'm more into it now has to do with having a career (not super high-paying but stable), being in the same job at the same place for 10 years with a boss who respects my work, realizing that I can have a lot of tattoos and still be able to cover most of them with 3/4 length sleeve shirts while at work...and the ones that do show don't pose a problem there.

    I had a slow start but I'm just totally hooked now. I am glad it took this long to get the bigger stuff. When I was younger I was not researching my artists as well as I am now... I am getting images that are beautiful to me by artists I trust. At this point in my life I feel pretty confident I won't tire of beautiful animals and flowers.

  9. A little off topic, but if I had a dollar for every woman getting her first tattoo that told me that nothing could be as worse as giving birth to a child, well I would at least enough money to get drunk. I find it funny they would equate it with such an intense experience and usually let them know that it won't probably hurt that bad, unless you were on drugs, but either way it will be much cheaper in the long run and the tattoo will be relatively low matienence compared to children.

    It's probably not equating it...just comparing different types of pain. Most of us probably have a general pain scale of 1-10. Once a woman has a baby, she realizes the pain scale actually goes up to 100 (panic inducing levels). So, to get your first tattoo after you've already had a baby...should be nothin. Totally different? Yes. But not as painful. And you are right--cheaper and much lower maintenance!!! I can also imagine that it would be annoying to keep hearing that. Like you care. Note to self: don't say that at my appointment tomorrow. Don't worry, I wasn't planning on it. Not going to talk about having a baby and I'm not planning on doing any whining either.

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