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Posts posted by TrixieFaux

  1. No numbers, but I'll just say I've been tipping pretty big lately because I feel that my artist is next-level and is such a perfectionist and I am just very grateful for the time he puts in and how cool my arm is. I also think his rate is very reasonable for what I am getting-a major work of art! Think I'll bring homemade cookies next time for everybody at the shop, too. They deserve it.

  2. I can understand being offended for a group of people that doesn't include you. For example when someone goes on an anti-gay rant, I am offended without being gay myself. We are all human, so we can sympathize. I also think a lot of people are just very easily offended these days. When something is beautiful (like a Native American lady head tattoo) it doesn't offend me.

    I think some images depicting Native Americans are more offensive than others, like this:

  3. I think it's very shallow.

    Then there are those that just have some off-ideas about tattoos. Like my mom said one time, "Doesn't that mean you don't respect your skin?"

    She has said a lot of negative stuff about tattoos to me and I always just argue with her lightly and laugh. But that one stumped me for a sec. Respect my skin? Sure. I respect it even more now! What the hell?

  4. I'm a devoted mom & wife, a kindergarten teacher with a master's degree in education, and am working on my 7th tattoo (this one being the biggest so far, covering 3/4 of my left arm). Living in LA, I rarely get a second look even when I'm in a tank top--one thing I love about this place. On a list of 50 reasons why LA rocks I recently read online here's #45: Moms and dads with Black Flag t-shirts and neck tattoos, pushing shopping carts and strollers, and getting into mini-vans. I thought that was pretty funny & true.

    As for those who don't like tattoos on women or tattoos in general, good! Helps us weed out the a-holes. I've always liked to be at least a little outside the mainstream anyway. If they don't have anything nice to say, they should stfu as far as I'm concerned.

    As for those who ask you what will your future children think @Delicious, I can tell you my daughter loves mine and my husband's. How obnoxious. Tell them to wait while you take out your crystal ball. Haha.

  5. Payless Ink Slingers (if you add an "R us" it would break all your rules!)

    Tatt Attack

    this is fun

    I just thought of an idea. Try to think of the worst possible name for a tattoo shop.

    I am going with Infected Ink for my first submission, it fits my formula but still I think i would pass.

    I definitely think bad names either sound too intense or like they are trying to hard.

    I have some good names for shops as well, but saving those just in case.

  6. Being fine with tattoos on men but not women seems to be a common double standard. Just saw this on a silly music forum regarding Aimee Mann's tattoos:

    "yea..im not a big fan of tatoos on women... it means theyve done something very bad...whether it be drugs or crime.

    but aimee loves boxing and tatoos are mandatory there lol."

    On the one hand it makes me laugh. On the other hand, why are people such freakin' idiots?

  7. BEST/WORST of 2012:

    1.) Best LST Thread: I like many of them. Especially just general tattoo talk in the General Tattoo Discussion section and the pictures that go along w/the discussions.

    2.) Worst LST Thread: Any of the ones started by trolls.

    3.) Favorite tattoo you got this year (pls say by who and what shop): Tiger/lotuses/lily pads/mandala by James Spencer-Briggs @Memoir Tattoo, LA (still in progress)...

    4.) Favorite tattoo another LSTer got this year (pls say by who and what shop if you know): The first one that comes to mind is @ian 's Jondix skull. And of course @DJDeepFried 's black koi by Kim Saigh @Memior but he hasn't posted the finished piece yet, think he's waiting for his new camera.

    5.) Favorite tattoo artist you discovered through LST: I joined instagram due to the LST thread about it and once I discovered instagram I discovered so many new artists. So, indirectly discovered @Mike Bennett on Instagram via LST.

    6.) How'd you find LST: I am rarely on Twitter but one day I was on there looking at Needles and Sins' tweets and they recommended LST.

    7.) Favorite part of the site: Love the interviews & the forum. I'm bad at picking 1 thing.

    8.) Area of the site you spend most your happy time at: Looking for new posts. Reading/responding..."liking" posts...I like the interaction between artists and enthusiasts alike.

    9.) What do you want more of: Black & grey! And black! On me, that is. haha

    10.) Sum up the year in one word: mélange

    BONUS: Favorite quote of the year...... "plainskins" @CultExciter, I've been using it. Cracks me up.

  8. Questions: Is it too "simple"? Will I regret a simple tattoo on such a valuable space on my body? (I don't foresee getting a sleeve, maybe another on the right arm)

    Do you think this classifies as "tribal"?

    Hi, re: your question "is it too simple"--in my opinion yes, I think it wouldn't really use the space all that great... Eventually you may end up regretting it or you may just end up putting more stuff around it.

    Ideas & plans often change over time. I didn't foresee getting a sleeve either and started with just a medium-small nautical star on my upper left arm with my daughter's name over it, and now I am getting 3/4 of my left arm covered and will most likely continue filling out my right arm similarly in the future. The star is kind of fitting in with the new stuff thanks to a great artist and his integration skills, but still probably would have been better without it. I don't really regret it though.

    The more you get interested in tattoos and the more you visit this site, you might get sucked into the tattoo vortex and start wanting all these artists to work on you and ideas for new tattoos could start entering your mind... Well, that's what happened to me. Instagram and LST are great resources--if I were you, I'd keep looking at those and you might start to get more ideas. Do you follow artists on Instagram?

    Oh, and yes, I think it looks tribal. Like @reverend1 said though, it is your tattoo and if you decide you love this then it doesn't matter what anyone else's opinion is. Good luck.

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