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Everything posted by TrixieFaux

  1. Melissa Etheredge and the Indigo Girls? I was pretty psyched when I was up at Spider Murphy's over the summer that within the first 10 minutes of my tattoo, I heard an old Bowie song and a BRMC song... two of my faves. Always comforting to hear some of your favorite music while getting tattooed. Seemed like they probably had pandora on, I don't know. There was some Black Sabbath, Black Keys, and some "classic rock" at my last session here in LA and that's all fine with me, too.
  2. I guess I'd say, why reinvent the wheel... https://www.google.com/search?q=sailor+jerry+anchor&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=42RXUoDqIo6GiQLYvID4BA&sqi=2&ved=0CDYQsAQ&biw=960&bih=456&dpr=1.5 or https://www.google.com/search?q=amund+dietzel+anchor&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=1HxXUoz-EIqniAKXuIHQCg&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=960&bih=455&dpr=1.5#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=zU8PtIw--z20-M%3A%3BAfontbIsfIzp7M%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.bigtattooplanet.com%252Fforums%252Fattachments%252Fapprenticeships-advice-new-tattooing%252F16594d1340354784-critique-me-2012-dietzel-anchor.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.bigtattooplanet.com%252Fforums%252Fapprenticeships-advice-new-tattooing%252F22032-critique-me-2012-a-85%3B1280%3B1280 That is to say, I'd get the one you are referencing, rather than re-drawing it.
  3. She just said she's in with DENO so... I'm going to guess, YES!
  4. Heh heh. Famous last words... just stick around here a bit.
  5. Haha, yeah it doesn't fly w/the kids at our school either. It was just funny. I work at a large urban school. I'd say a good 80% of the parents or more are tattooed... I have a kindergarten daughter, too! She knows all about tattoos as well and has visited the shop with us many times (although now she's too bummed out by the taxidermy), and she comes with us to tattoo-related art shows.
  6. You are really young...you have plenty of time to date different people and find the right guy, you don't have to tie yourself down with someone who doesn't share your interests. It's not easy to break off a relationship at any age, even when you know it isn't right, you still have the things you liked about the person to begin with. But I agree, if there's something that you are really interested in like this, and he hates it, it's going to be a problem down the road. If you stop getting them for him, you will have resentment. If you keep getting them and he keeps badgering you to stop, you will both have resentment. Life is hard enough without getting a bunch of flack from the person who is supposed to love you.
  7. I love love love chocolate cake with vanilla frosting! ?
  8. I'm a kindergarten teacher (and so far this year I am just wearing long sleeves every day). Another teacher I worked with was covered in tattoos and often several of them would be showing. She told her kindergartners that they were stickers.
  9. Bad iPhone pics taken during session, first session, loving it! Kim Saigh, Memoir.
  10. My first of 3 sessions for the raven sleeve with Kim Saigh is today. I stopped by Memoir yesterday to see the sketch and let her retrace my arm and after seeing the drawing I am more excited than before which was already a lot. :D
  11. We went to this Irezumi art opening in Hollywood Thursday night. https://www.facebook.com/irezumiartshow Saw some great art there from the likes of Stewart Robson, Tim Lehi, Mike Rubendall, etc., etc. Bob Roberts and Oliver Peck were there. Corey Miller's band played and we met him as he was bringing stuff to the stage. Our little 5 yr old excitedly told him that she's going to be Sleeping Beauty for Halloween. He seemed impressed. Sweet guy.
  12. When you get to that point when you realize you can, it's liberating. Think about it this way--do you respect shallow people who judge others based on something that is skin deep rather than what type of person they are? Do you want to make decisions based on what people like that think?
  13. Not too arty for me, super cool pic @youthcrewalex. I'd say your "overall look as a tattooed person" is coming along nicely.
  14. I have never been tattooed by her, but was just looking through her portfolio & fb photos, her stuff looks rad, I'd be psyched! Can't wait to see what you get.
  15. Love it, that is a cool tattoo. You could always print out the tattoo and show it as a reference and say, "I love the style of this one." I brought a couple pics of ravens to Kim for my consultation a couple weeks ago, including a couple of printed out paintings and a couple of tattoos I liked by other artists. I didn't want her to duplicate any of them, I just told her what I liked about each one and said, of course, take it your own direction. She said of one of my pics, "Oh, of course, it's Seth Wood, that's why it's so amazing." I don't think tattooers mind if you show them the work you like of others as long as you are not asking for the same exact thing. Also, the style doesn't have to be named if you show a picture. Tell the artist exactly what you like about that one. Also, don't fuck off. :-)
  16. Instagram @DJDeepFried 's hand and my leg. Got ours early (last night) home-style.
  17. Omg you're right, @Graeme is just like that guy Blue Steel. In so many ways. :D
  18. Not to mention, some of us work out and stop partying and find ourselves in better shape in our forties than we were in our twenties...imagine that?!
  19. I don't drink but every time Oliver says "jack" or "jacked" @DJDeepFried and I take an imaginary drink. We are pretty well fake sloshed by the end of most episodes. On Project Runway we take a fake shot every time someone mispronounces "aesthetic" which is like 50 times per episode.
  20. I love dotwork when it's done well. I have some on me. Get what you like! If it looks good to you and you find the right artist who does it well, get it. It will look great and you will love it forever.
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