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Everything posted by annamageddon

  1. Have you thought about just finding an artist that you love and letting them come up with something for you? It sounds like your pretty open and maybe that would be a great way to get a meaningful piece. Annie
  2. This thread has been very interesting. It makes me wonder if I should bother telling my dad that I have a tattoo. I'm totally independent so I don't feel that he'd have an issue there. He is older though so I know initially he'd have a negative or concerned reaction. However he's also reasonable, totally loves me, knows how hard I work and is very proud of that. Part of me just wants to tell him because he's not only my dad but one of my very best friends. The other part thinks that it's not worth the initial concern that he might have. Just throwing in my personal experience.
  3. Wow! Thank you so much for posting and for your service. It is so great to see. This really made my day.
  4. annamageddon


    I think tattoos with no outline are generally considered to not hold as well as tattoos with a strong outline.
  5. Thank you ToxicBarrels. The more I've been on the forum the more I think I should leave it as is for right now. I am wondering if maybe some white highlights on the especially dark areas would make me feel better but I am also thinking about what my next tattoo should be. Maybe I should just sit on these thoughts for a while. I really appreciate your and everyone's input. It means a lot to me.
  6. I second SStu and want pics!! Also tell us more about the meanings, how you found the artist, etc. Welcome!
  7. Thank you so much for your input! I'm already feeling so much better about the tattoo after the overwhelming support that I've received on this forum. I'm very much looking forward to looking into the artists that you've mentioned. Thank you so much for providing them. I really appreciate it. Thank you again, it really does mean a lot! - - - Updated - - - Thanks David! I think you and the others stating similar opinions are right. I should probably stick put for now or start planning my next tattoo. Thank you so much for your input! It really means a lot. I'm starting to feel a lot better about the tattoo after all the positive feedback that I've received on this forum.
  8. Farah, I absolutely love the Hamsa hand. It's my favorite I think it could make a totally awesome tattoo!! That's my vote but obviously you have to find your own favorite :) Best of luck and please post what you end up getting! I think you'll end up with an amazing sleeve as you clearly have a great background.
  9. Hi TC! Welcome. What will your first tattoo be?
  10. I like it a lot! Have you thought about doing a Buddha? Are you Indian? Maybe some idea from your childhood would be great to play off of.
  11. It did work! Very cool and a neat concept!
  12. This is gorgeous! Congratulations!
  13. Lol if you make an Imgur account you can do it easily. You'll just upload the photo to Imgur and Imgur provides you with a link that you can share anywhere. It looks like there's also an "insert image" button right above this quick reply section as well (it looks like a little picture). That might work!
  14. Hi Farah! Welcome. What is the theme of your sleeve?
  15. Congrats! Pics would be great :)
  16. This was really neat to read. Congratulations on your new work!
  17. Welcome! What theme is your sleeve going to be?
  18. Can you post a picture?
  19. Would I be able to add color to it if I wanted to? Or would it just be really dark? Also would anyone know of an artist in Minnesota who does work similar to Jenn Small? Thanks!
  20. http://imgur.com/RxZA90D Here's the best I could get fumbling around with my cameras self timer function right now. Thank you I appreciate your input! - - - Updated - - - This is really great advice. Thank you I appreciate it. I think you're right that I should try to hold off. I got this tattoo in May so it's been a little while but not too long.
  21. Thank you so much! I'm so happy I decided to post on this forum. It's made me feel so much better to hear so many people tell me that it really is a good tattoo. I did quite a bit of research and I do think that the artist I went to is very good. I wanted a delicate, feminine tattoo and I feel like the black and grey is kind of harsh. I'm wondering now if adding some sort of color behind it could look cool. I'm not sure. Now after posting I'm thinking of other tattoo ideas as well :P Thank you again. Annie
  22. Unfortunately I offended the artist by coming in with my list of critiques for the tattoo. He made a small touch up but it was insignificant and didn't help. Yes I looked at the stencil and I didn't like it. He made a few changes to it and I (and sorry to be redundantly negative here) but I think they made it even worse. After seeing the overwhelmingly positive feedback here on this forum I'm trying to change my mind about the tattoo. Maybe I do just need to get another one or get over it. It seems weird to me now to have one big tattoo on my back and nothing else. I'm sorry for being sort of negative about the tattoo. I like tattoos so much on everyone else but for some reason I don't like this one on myself. I appreciate the feedback! Annie - - - Updated - - - Thanks! I got it from John Von Glahn while he was working at Broken Hearts Tattoo Club, as far as I know he is still located there. I think he's a great artist and I followed him for a long time before I got the appointment. - - - Updated - - - Thank you Mark! It's good to know that other people like the way it looks.
  23. Thanks I appreciate the input. It's good to know that everyone thinks it's well executed. That does help but in my opinion it's still not what I wanted. I wanted something delicate and feminine and this just isn't that. I think the fact that it's my first tattoo and I've critiqued the crap out of it isn't helping though.
  24. Thank you! I'm seeing a running theme here. Thanks guys :)
  25. Thanks! That makes me feel better. I'm wondering now if I could do something colorful behind it? Or maybe I just need another tattoo. - - - Updated - - - Thanks! I appreciate the input. I'm just white as a ghost and it doesn't feel wispy and girly the way I had hoped. Would it be possible to lighten it up a lot or make it really colorful? - - - Updated - - - I like your idea about adding something behind it! I wonder what would look cool.
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