Hey guys and gals, my name is Ron. I'm a 32 year old massive stroke survivor. It had me in a 3 week coma and then the hospital for 3 months but even though the right half of my body was virtually lost I still kicked it's ass! I had the stroke because I lived a very unhealthy lifestyle. I weighed close to 500 lbs when it hit me. I am down to 340 now and still making progress!
I have 2 tiny tattoos at the moment of my name in Japanese. They are on the inside of my forearm and first name right arm and last name left. I am ready to get not only a cover up tattoo for each side but sleeves. I'll post some quick shots of what I have now after the introduction portion of this post. I am gonna spend the next few days absorbing any information you guys are willing to share. I am a true tattoo newbie and welcome all input from you vets ;)