A train wreck would be far more interesting, more educational and much more "reality" than "Ink (shudder) Masters"
This show is garbage. It's a soap opera where they are using puppets instead of a script. Whatever though, as much as I hate these shows and honestly think they do more harm than good...I can see a silver lining. A very cynical silver lining, but still...a silver lining none the less.
That is ,that I am glad it is a bunch of half-wit boneheads. At least this way we don't have people getting TV apprenticeships from good solid tattooist that have spent years perfecting there technique. This way, the cool tat-bro tv-spawned bandwagon gang will just keep chasing there own tail...Not actual good tattooist with ethics and talent getting raped by 'merica who want to exploit the industry for every last drop of edgy-ness it has left.
I for one will be glad when the trendy tattoo garbage is done with. Tattooing is not going anywhere,and I am glad, but the whole hot-topic vibe can piss right off.