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Everything posted by Liesel

  1. Yeah, that's kind of what I was thinking. I feel kind of goofy calling since I was just at the shop for my consult today, but I guess I'd better just suck it up and call in the morning anyway.
  2. I have two sessions for my first BIG tattoo booked. My first appointment is this Sunday! However, I was just figuring out my finances and realized I can only afford five hours each session at this point.(I know it's late to just be figuring this out) I'm ok with breaking up the work as long as long as it takes to finish it, but I'm wondering if I should call the shop tomorrow to see how long I'm booked for Sunday. I hate for my artist to lose money if the whole day is blocked off for me. They have a list of people to call in case of no-shows, so they could probably fit somebody in if I was scheduled for most of the day. Or is it a bit late at this point since my appointment is Sunday? I'm just wondering what the artists that post here would prefer if they had a client in this situation?
  3. The last comment is awesome. My children's children will hear about this...
  4. I saw Young Adult and Patton Oswalt was great in it. So was Charlize Theron, in a different way. I wanted to take every object in my purse and throw it at the screen to make her stop talking it was so cringe- worthy and akward.. So if you enjoy that kind of thing, you'll like it.
  5. I usually just nod and say "Cool" or if it's really bad, "ok". When my brother in law got one in a guy's kitchen though, I did offer to take him to get it fixed for his birthday. He said "You don't like it?" "Umm.." I replied "It could be better..."
  6. Wow. I think I watch too much Hoarders because I recognized the therapist immediatly.
  7. This thread reminded me of this:#121 Funny or Ironic Tattoos « Stuff White People Like
  8. That's ridiculous! I mean, some of the drawings were kind of gross but it's not the worst thing I've seen/heard. Obscienity is everywhere, it's just a fact of life. It's not like he was passing this stuff out at a preschool. And that doctor is a scam artist.
  9. I don't really have a problem with people asking me about mine b/c I don't have that many and they're not 'out' all the time. But I do find it annoying when peole find out you are tattooed and say "Oh, my guy could hook you up." I try not to be rude to anyone, but sometimes I'm not sure what their tattoos are supposed to be. I had one girl tell me (I guess she'd been asked a lot) and I still couldn't really see it.
  10. I don't see how anyone could think tattooing would be easy or fun or anything like that. I know when I first started doing hair I was terrified and that's not a permanent thing. Even if their hair breaks off (which I've never done, but I've seen happen) it will grow back eventually. I don't really know anything about tatooing but it seems like it would be nerve wracking when you first start, no matter how well trained you are. Once you've really gotten skilled it would probably be a blast, but right out the gate? Some people are crazy.
  11. That Hope one looks kind of like the tattoo my brother in law got of my nephew's initials, except I think his is worse. Done in some guy's kitchen obviously. I offered to take him to an actual proffessional artist to get it fixed for Christmas and he took me up on it so I'm saving up for that. I don't want my nephew to be embarrased by that thing when he's older.
  12. I like the bowler hat and the cat smoking a pipe
  13. I just got this about an hour ago at Paris Tattoos by Paris Pierides. The shadowing will look more gray as it heals, he said. Apparantly I was a challenge to tattoo because I was clenching up. I feel like I sat pretty well though, considering what a huge baby I am. It's the first tattoo I've gotten in a visible place. I think it was a good choice.
  14. I've read that the feet are more likely to get infected when they are healing. Is this just because feet are harder to keep clean? Does anyone know someone who's had a problem with it? Just curious.
  15. I'm a hairdresser and I hear "I just don't want Dumb and Dumber bangs." almost every day. I wonder how people refrenced horrible bangs before that movie came out.
  16. My husband has no tattoos but he encouraged me to get both of the ones I have. His opinion on tattoos is "I like them if they're good." The only thing he didn't like was that both of mine were on my left side and I slept on my right for a week after each tattoo. He was annoyed by that because we couldn't snuggle and it made it hard for him to sleep, which I can kind of understand. I feel kind of weird going to sleep when I'm not at home because I'm used to being snuggled in between him and the cat with basically zero room to myself.
  17. My favorite movie I found on Netflix was World's Greatest Dad. It's not for everybody, I guess but I enjoyed it so much that I bought it. I finished season one of Damages which was pretty awesome. Glenn Close was badass and I love Ted Danson.
  18. The last show I saw was Thursday opening for Taking Back Sunday, which I loved. I can't wait to see MCR open for Blink 182 next month. My husband and I are going to see Weird Al in October, he's really excited about it.
  19. And sorry about the typo. I guess it's appropriate that the word oops was in the thread title.
  20. My tattoo got burned at the pool yesterday. It's not too awful since I did use sunscreen, I guess I just didn't reapply often enough. This has never happened to me before as I'm rarely out in the sun. Anybody do anything special to take care of their tattoos after a sunburn? I can't remember ever hearing anything about it and I was curious.
  21. My cat is obsessed with my husband. He's constantly trying to sit on his lap and he follows him all over the house. He even runs to the door when he gets home. I've never had a cat be that clingy with me. I'm jealous.
  22. I love fat cats! My cat is skinny b/c he runs around like a maniac all the time. I had a 15 pound Russian Blue as a kid and he was gorgeous.
  23. When I got lyrics tattooed on my ribs I picked out the font at the shop. I wouldn't worry about the style too much, spend your time picking out a great artist. I'm sure some people will respond with good recommendations for you.
  24. My cat Bagheera aka Baggy and his dad Smokey with my nephew.
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