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jinxproof1996 last won the day on March 2 2012

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About jinxproof1996

  • Birthday 07/18/1970

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  • Biography
    i grew up in suburban north wilmington, delaware....20 minutes outside of philly. started acting lik
  • Location
    Washington, District of Columbia, United States
  • Interests
    Family, Friendship, Pit bulls, Drag racing, Capriotti's Stoney Knows How, Friday, The Dirty Dozen, A
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  1. see you in richmond Jen. looks like eric is gonna work this year too.
  2. get tattooed by richard stell, he's opening a new shop in oklahomo as we speak.
  3. Tommy Napp passed away not to long ago and Jerry is retired. Get tattooed by Topper.
  4. i back steve and lester.
  5. cocaine addiction is rough. i spent 2 solid years using on a daily basis along with other drugs, but the cocaine was always in me. rehab for me was a must and AA meetings daily since. a complete life change was the only way and it has still been very hard. give her a few ultimatums and offer your help (rehab/AA/NA). but allowing her to stay in your house is only hurting her. its enabling her. she will not quit until SHE is ready. no matter what you do.
  6. jack browns in fredericksburg.
  7. Jeff rules.
  8. then you have no business tattooing anyone. problem solved. cupcakes seem to be the big rage now (tattoo popularity is on the outs) so why don't you teach yourself how to bake? check out youtube and other websites and you can learn it easy.
  9. Hey Mister... Looks like we will be seeing you all sooner then I thought...

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  10. the person who apprenticed you should have no problem answering this question. ask him/her. lol.
  11. brian makes a nice machine. get one.
  12. there are a few all around great tattooers, guys that can pull off any style. but when i am asked, two stand out far more than anyone else. Scott Sylvia and Mike Wilson. if you have a tattoos, you need to be tattooed by both of these people. end of story.
  13. playboy in the lobby would be fine in my eyes (although and mags in the lobby isn't my thing), XXX is ok in an employee bathroom or rest/drawing area. anything else is ridiculous. i mean, who needs printed porn with whats on the interwebs??
  14. we miss you too. get settled in tulsa and maybe i can make it out this winter.
  15. i can name a bunch of fancy assholes charging $350 an hour with $1000 minimums. richard gets it in there and don't fuck around. 200 an hour is a steal.
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