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    gougetheeyes got a reaction from KBeee in New girl from NY here!   
    Weatherholtz is a great tattooer and he can do just about anything. You won't be sorry! And to top it all off, he's a super nice dude with a really positive attitude. As far as the, "How did you guys know these places are good shops?" it just comes from looking at thousands of tattoos, getting thousands of tattoos (collectively) and being exposed to situations where you can see tattoos in person. Just keep researching, keep looking and learning, and go visit shops and get tattooed. And disregard Yelp entirely.
    After a while there will be a moment when you say something like, "Wow, those lines are so clean, and I love those little tips of purple he snuck into those leaves." And you'll probably think, "Huh. Where'd I learn to look for THOSE things?"
  2. Like
    gougetheeyes got a reaction from polliwog in New girl from NY here!   
    Weatherholtz is a great tattooer and he can do just about anything. You won't be sorry! And to top it all off, he's a super nice dude with a really positive attitude. As far as the, "How did you guys know these places are good shops?" it just comes from looking at thousands of tattoos, getting thousands of tattoos (collectively) and being exposed to situations where you can see tattoos in person. Just keep researching, keep looking and learning, and go visit shops and get tattooed. And disregard Yelp entirely.
    After a while there will be a moment when you say something like, "Wow, those lines are so clean, and I love those little tips of purple he snuck into those leaves." And you'll probably think, "Huh. Where'd I learn to look for THOSE things?"
  3. Like
    gougetheeyes reacted to CultExciter in New girl from NY here!   
    Like @daveborjes said, go to Fun City. Or Adorned. Or Bound For Glory. Or Saved. Or Kings Ave. Or Lotus. Or Red Rocket. Or Fine Line. Or R&D. Or Invisible. Or Flyrite. Or one of the many awesome shops. There are too many amazing shops in NYC for you to get a mediocre tattoo.
  4. Like
    gougetheeyes got a reaction from Iwar in New girl from NY here!   
    Long Island's not a bad place to be! I think everyone will have the immediate reaction that @Hands On did. King's Ave and DaVinci.. can't go wrong.
  5. Like
    gougetheeyes got a reaction from daveborjes in New girl from NY here!   
    Long Island's not a bad place to be! I think everyone will have the immediate reaction that @Hands On did. King's Ave and DaVinci.. can't go wrong.
  6. Like
    gougetheeyes got a reaction from CultExciter in New girl from NY here!   
    Long Island's not a bad place to be! I think everyone will have the immediate reaction that @Hands On did. King's Ave and DaVinci.. can't go wrong.
  7. Like
    gougetheeyes reacted to Hands On in New girl from NY here!   
    Welcome! Long Island immediately makes me think of King's Avenue, where I'm sure plenty of folks think tattoos are cool AND get 'em themselves!
  8. Like
    gougetheeyes got a reaction from Graeme in Wounded Knee School Fundraiser   
    BUMP! I know plenty of you have been following and supporting on the ol' Instagram (the only social media I'm equipped to use.. poorly) but just wanted to post more updates here! We've got 70 -- SEVENTY -- participating artists. Including Timothy Hoyer, Michael Aul, Antonio Roque, Bailey Robinson, Jerry Ware, Marina Inoue.... Gonna be a good one! The talented Nash Hogan is painting a flyer that'll be done soon and the talented Mr. Spider Man himself, Matt Arriola, just posted a rough of a t-shirt design he'll be doing for the show. And it fucking rules. Give a follow on Instagram if you've got it for (slightly) more frequent updates! Show's comin up... Friday, March 6th at Eight of Swords Tattoo in NYC.
    Thank you.
  9. Like
    gougetheeyes got a reaction from KBeee in Wounded Knee School Fundraiser   
    BUMP! I know plenty of you have been following and supporting on the ol' Instagram (the only social media I'm equipped to use.. poorly) but just wanted to post more updates here! We've got 70 -- SEVENTY -- participating artists. Including Timothy Hoyer, Michael Aul, Antonio Roque, Bailey Robinson, Jerry Ware, Marina Inoue.... Gonna be a good one! The talented Nash Hogan is painting a flyer that'll be done soon and the talented Mr. Spider Man himself, Matt Arriola, just posted a rough of a t-shirt design he'll be doing for the show. And it fucking rules. Give a follow on Instagram if you've got it for (slightly) more frequent updates! Show's comin up... Friday, March 6th at Eight of Swords Tattoo in NYC.
    Thank you.
  10. Like
    gougetheeyes got a reaction from AverageJer in Wounded Knee School Fundraiser   
    BUMP! I know plenty of you have been following and supporting on the ol' Instagram (the only social media I'm equipped to use.. poorly) but just wanted to post more updates here! We've got 70 -- SEVENTY -- participating artists. Including Timothy Hoyer, Michael Aul, Antonio Roque, Bailey Robinson, Jerry Ware, Marina Inoue.... Gonna be a good one! The talented Nash Hogan is painting a flyer that'll be done soon and the talented Mr. Spider Man himself, Matt Arriola, just posted a rough of a t-shirt design he'll be doing for the show. And it fucking rules. Give a follow on Instagram if you've got it for (slightly) more frequent updates! Show's comin up... Friday, March 6th at Eight of Swords Tattoo in NYC.
    Thank you.
  11. Like
    gougetheeyes got a reaction from Bunny Switchblade in Philadelphia Tattoo Convention 2015   
    Might be able to go this year! New schedule's got me off on Sat/Sun -- fingers crossed..
  12. Like
    gougetheeyes got a reaction from Uberdad247 in About to get my first Tattoo :)   
    @SStu had a good point, that just landing on something (flower, panther, hourglass, lady head, whatever) can be just as powerful to you as literally spelling it all out as a straight up memorial tattoo @Ubderdad247
  13. Like
    gougetheeyes reacted to Iwar in I made a short documentary   
    Thanks for all the kind words everyone. That really means a lot coming from fellow enthusiasts like yourselves. I would love to make more, but as of now I don't have any concrete plans.
    @mmikaoj you should definitely do some interviews if you can. I'd love to see that, and I'm sure everyone else here would too! There are lots of easy to use editing software out there, and youtube can be a great resource for learning basic editing. You can actually make pretty decent looking stuff these days with just an a couple of smartphones and a laptop. Go for it!
    Maybe you saw it already, but I made a short video of Marius tattooing my friend @Wilhell a little while back:

    Oh, and thank you so much for sharing it on your blog!
  14. Like
    gougetheeyes got a reaction from MGblues in I made a short documentary   
    @Iwar That was so great!! I saw you post something on your instagram but didn't know you'd done it. Really nice man, perfect way to start my morning! Can we expect more? Are you the new Norwegian tattoo ambassador?
  15. Like
    gougetheeyes got a reaction from Iwar in I made a short documentary   
    @Iwar That was so great!! I saw you post something on your instagram but didn't know you'd done it. Really nice man, perfect way to start my morning! Can we expect more? Are you the new Norwegian tattoo ambassador?
  16. Like
    gougetheeyes reacted to SStu in About to get my first Tattoo :)   
    1st = Do you know what "style" of tattoo art you want?
    next = Keep in mind that whatever you end up picking - it doesn't have to be a "traditional" representation of a memorial tattoo. Anything that reminds you specifically of her or something you two shared and which brings a smile to your face will work best.
  17. Like
    gougetheeyes reacted to Ashley76 in Tattoo virgin/ "plainskin" (but not for long!)   
    It's official: I need to stay off this site for a while! Not only do I have plans for my first tattoo, but I'm starting to get ideas for other ones! This is a dilemma I wasn't expecting...
  18. Like
    gougetheeyes got a reaction from joakim urma in I made a short documentary   
    @Iwar That was so great!! I saw you post something on your instagram but didn't know you'd done it. Really nice man, perfect way to start my morning! Can we expect more? Are you the new Norwegian tattoo ambassador?
  19. Like
    gougetheeyes reacted to SeeSea in Tattoo virgin/ "plainskin" (but not for long!)   
    I think we both just stepped into the same hole. I believe that @Graeme is referring to a common confusion - "fonts" are for displaying letters on screens and on printers and not for putting letters on skin, and he is thrashing us for misuse of the term. What she is looking for is hand-drawn "script."
    If she really wants words in the tattoo, then the advice to get very readable script is the right way to say it. I've seen some script that is beautiful and very readable. Now, if @Ashley76 wants entire lines or paragraphs, then the tattoo will get pretty big to make it legible, and then yeah, it will completely overshadow the flowers. And since she wants a medium sized tattoo, it could be hard to make it readable.
    So @Ashley76, the message is - if you want to get words in the tattoo, let your tattooer choose a script that will work with your overall goal.
  20. Like
    gougetheeyes reacted to joakim urma in I made a short documentary   
    Oh, nice! Going to watch it straight away. I like his stuff too.
    Edit, a bit later:
    Well done, in every way! Blue Arms seems like a real power house of a tattoo shop, absolutely have to visit next time I'm in Oslo. Are you planning to do more of these? Actually I've been thinking for a long time about doing some interviews about Swedish tattooers, but only with photos and text since I don't know my way around video editing well enough.
    I very much enjoyed watching this, @Iwar So cool to see some, non-bullshit, tattoo media coming from other places than the States. We have a plethora of great artists in Scandinavia that deserves to have their work known. Another Norwegian I would like to see something similar about is Marius Meyer. I'll post this video on my tattoo-blog thing so you reach to some more people!
  21. Like
    gougetheeyes reacted to Iwar in I made a short documentary   
    I recently finished a short documentary that profiles Norwegian tattooer Morten Transeth. I also added English subtitles to the best of my ability, so remember to switch captions (CC) on if you need 'em :)

    Go to http://instagram.com/morten_transeth to see more of his work.
    Thanks for watching!
  22. Like
    gougetheeyes got a reaction from LucasGabrieletiger24 in Hand Tattoos   
    My 3 year old niece wants to grow up to be a badass. Tattoos by Pixar, I believe.

  23. Like
    gougetheeyes got a reaction from suburbanxcore in Portland, Maine   
    John Biswell/Made Rite looks pretty good! Also @Joe Shit -- do we know how to pronounce Phuc's name? Fook?
    - - - Updated - - -
    @Fala also, please keep it under wraps in case you and Jason are out at, say... that bar I work at! @beez one of the things we like about it is that while it's much smaller than NYC it doesn't feel isolated. Close to Boston, Portsmouth, a 45 minute flight to NYC.. and seems to have a really great community for small businesses.

    - - - Updated - - -
    I don't think we had a single lobster roll last time we were there hahaha. Too busy with fried chicken and steamers and 'gansett tall boys.
  24. Like
    gougetheeyes reacted to Joe Shit in Portland, Maine   
    That's correct...Phuc does a lot of Asian work,but Cyndi Lou & Mike do more traditional work.Cyndi used to own a shop in Portland with Hannah,who works at Dark Age Tattoo in Seattle.Will Self also does real nice work at Made Rite.
  25. Like
    gougetheeyes reacted to tay943 in Relationships and tattoos   
    Thanks for the thoughtful responses :). I think this might be a step for him because my other tattoos are on my legs, not near such an 'important' area haha. @pidjones I think it is the placement that is his main concern, as I already had two tattoos when I met him, as well as my septum and several other piercings. I've never really looked 'plain'. His mum is a little conservative but his family wouldn't really affect anything like that. And thanks @marley mission, it sounds like a good idea to have a discussion about exactly where is issues with the tattoo lilye and hopefully we can work something out. I definetly have plenty of other ideas that I can focus on first haha.
    @scubaron I got my first tattoo on my birthday in August and I have three now, I don't think it's excessive if you have lots of ideas; I have so many ideas that have been going through my head for ages and the only thing slowing me down is the funding.
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