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Posts posted by gougetheeyes

  1. I would also recommend erring on the side of caution but of course I'm going to contradict myself here. Personally, I've had no problem with swimming at the week-and-a-half mark, after the tattoo has flaked and has that thin, shiny layer of healed skin. But it was only for a few mins. at a time, and I would've certainly waited longer had I not been in 100 degree heat and right next to a pool. And I only did it once and was really nervous about it.

    The thing is, everyone's different, and and I would certainly be more cautious than not. If he's still healing/scabby/flaky I'd say avoid the water altogether. So uh... just go with what Wedge said.

  2. I'd heard so many people shit talk this movie before I saw it and turns out I was really into it. Only saw it once (last wk.) and our general consensus is that he was dreaming the entire thing.. but the second consensus is that we really needed to watch it again. So his wife is............alive???

  3. That's Dr. Dave! He works on the Lower East Side in NYC.. he does free gang tattoo removal and I'm pretty sure he recently (2009?) opened a facility for folks with no or little insurance coverage. http://www.davidjoresmd.org/

    As far as tattoos and jobs, I've been lucky enough to never really need to go out of my way to cover up but I'm glad I can wear long sleeves or suit and tie and no one's any the wiser. I was just in court trying to get back my security deposit and all I could think was, "Man, this is one time I am so glad I don't have any hand/neck tattoos."

    You can't control others' split second judgments. And when that person is a judge (ok, an arbitrator in this case) it's probably in your best interest to look like a shiny, happy, contributing member of society.

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