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Posts posted by gougetheeyes

  1. I can agree with that. It's almost impossible for me to watch any kind of news that isn't straight headlines, which has been completely lost.. every news anchor wants to editorialize and then talk to "experts" who are a.) not and b.) obnoxious. I think they showed some CNN folks in there calling it a pep rally, but to me Fox is the lowest of the low simply because they're the most transparent. They're all worthless though. Hope I didn't offend you Wedge!

  2. Kinda on the subject..... does the left side of the body hurt more then the right in anyone elses experience. If so, any theories?

    I was just talking about this the other day with a couple people. The very last time my chest was tattooed it was about an hour on each side. Right side wasn't too bad and I got used to it after the first 10 mins or so. But the left side, it was like I never relaxed, it felt like the first 10 minutes the entire time. My chest was relatively easy up until that point. I've heard thing about the left side.. some kinda.. chakra.. something..

  3. oops! i think i fixed the privacy issue, sorry. the skinny oldtimer with the creepy mustache is tats thomas, the guy who looks like a bulldog is ralph johnstone. the guy in the last photo standing next to tats is iwojima eddie.

    There's something really cool about that Ralph Johnstone photo.. can't put my finger on it. It's like a crime scene photo or something.

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