I definitely understand that reaction. I can appreciate where he's coming from though, since he's genuinely interested in things of a certain era. If you like hunting, you line your walls with antlers. If you like cars, your place might be filled with vintage metal signs. ..if you like tattoos, you're covered in tattoos but other people might think, "Who does that guy think he is?"
Maybe the gag reflex lies more with the presentation in the video. It seems like it's tough to make a little video like this and not come off as a little self-aggrandizing.
Haven't met the guy, but I doubt he's riding around on an old boneshaker with a handlebar mustache. Those types are the kind I view as the "ironic hipster" types, but he just seems like a normal dude who likes an older aesthetic and I can appreciate that. I like his tattoos and just wanted to share.
Thank you and goodnight.