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Everything posted by gougetheeyes

  1. To get to this question nearly a year later.. Probably shock value. Ad not anything to do with St. Peter, who is said to have been crucified upside down. They're all over the Vatican. Kinda like all the burning church tattoos that were hot (heh) a couple years ago that seemed to be spawned by Uncle Allan. I doubt anyone was making a statement much more complex than taking a negative view of organized religion.. Also, this thread was fun to go back through! Thanks @Iwar for bumpin' it back up..
  2. Whaaaaat?! @jayessebee I don't know what's going on here and to be honest I think it makes me uncomfortable. So nice job.
  3. So glad other people quote Home Alone other than me and my wife.
  4. I think I've read these articles 276 times already :D
  5. I stand corrected; this was the nicest response! ..now, to go back in time and stop this thread from ever happening...
  6. I know you've said you're looking for an apprenticeship, so firstly -- and this is not coming from a pompous holier-than-thou attitude -- tread lightly here. One of the reasons we've lost solid contributing tattooers to LST is for this very reason. Every few months someone joins up and says, "Hey, I want an apprenticeship, what's the problem?!" The forum is here to help and to share -- but not when it comes to technical how-tos and certainly not when it comes to the ins-and-outs of getting your foot in the door. Second -- and this is coming from only a very slightly more life experience -- go get tattooed. I know you've got two tattoos.. But apprenticeship aside, if you want to learn about tattoos and that world, go. get. tatt.ooed. Make that your primary goal, put the apprenticeship out of your mind. How do you know that you want to commit your life to something when you've only got two tattoos? I bet things will be a little more clear after having spent more than a few hours in a tattoo shop. Tried being as nice as possible here and there's a good chance it's as nice a response as you may get.. It's not that it's a cult or that people are assholes. Take a step back. Listen to what people are saying. Godspeed.
  7. You won't offend anyone and, if anything, that you've got strong ties to the Navy only seems to make it more special. Go for it dude.
  8. @beez yikes -- by "liking" your post I really meant to "not like" it. Is it wrong to inquire as to how it has affected your tattoo healing? :D Hope you feel better soon!
  9. So many knee-toos this past year. Also, awesome.
  10. PHOTOBOMB! I want a tattoo of that tattoo of a parrot.
  11. HA! I zoomed in and looked all around the edges of the sheet but failed to look for date in the actual design.. d'oh.
  12. Whoa, didn't know he "mysteriously drowned in the Elizabeth river."
  13. Yeah, there he is! @Avery Taylor -- why am I not seeing a date on that sheet..?
  14. Been wondering about this old go-to and Nikki Balls just posted one she did, so thought I'd bring it up. The old pirate head with the knife in his mouth.. anyone know the origins? Been around forever, it seems. I looked through a couple books quick and found a Bert Grimm one but it wasn't the bandana-wearing, shaggy-headed dude. He seems so specific that I wonder if it's like that burly Ed Hardy gorilla head that just keeps getting re-done and tweaked a bit. Any idears? Someone's gotta know. http://www.facebook.com/nikki.balls
  15. Was it you or someone else who got something like "Fancy Script" from BJ?
  16. @ManSkirtBrew welcome! You're gonna have everyone on LST buying your beer in no time. My only thought about the new tattoo is to get another one on the other side so it's like Hops/Beer Epaulettes.
  17. Thanks man! Dare I say, the thighs are a cake walk.. at least the fronts of 'em. And not so much when you get up into the "bathing suit area" where the tails go. Could literally watch how the skin change affected the line/color.. crazy.
  18. Ta-da http://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/forum/general-tattoo-discussion/3718-hawaiian-tattooers-tattoo-shops.html
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