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Posts posted by gougetheeyes

  1. BUMP! I know plenty of you have been following and supporting on the ol' Instagram (the only social media I'm equipped to use.. poorly) but just wanted to post more updates here! We've got 70 -- SEVENTY -- participating artists. Including Timothy Hoyer, Michael Aul, Antonio Roque, Bailey Robinson, Jerry Ware, Marina Inoue.... Gonna be a good one! The talented Nash Hogan is painting a flyer that'll be done soon and the talented Mr. Spider Man himself, Matt Arriola, just posted a rough of a t-shirt design he'll be doing for the show. And it fucking rules. Give a follow on Instagram if you've got it for (slightly) more frequent updates! Show's comin up... Friday, March 6th at Eight of Swords Tattoo in NYC.



    Thank you.

  2. A good friend of mine lives about 30-40 min from Portland and has a bunch of tattoos from John Biswell that are rock solid.

    John Biswell/Made Rite looks pretty good! Also @Joe Shit -- do we know how to pronounce Phuc's name? Fook?

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    @Fala also, please keep it under wraps in case you and Jason are out at, say... that bar I work at! @beez one of the things we like about it is that while it's much smaller than NYC it doesn't feel isolated. Close to Boston, Portsmouth, a 45 minute flight to NYC.. and seems to have a really great community for small businesses.


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    Oh you should totally go to the Maine Diner in Wells and eat yourselves sick on lobster rolls and lobster mac n cheese.

    I don't think we had a single lobster roll last time we were there hahaha. Too busy with fried chicken and steamers and 'gansett tall boys.

  3. Myself and the lovely @MrsGougeTheEyes visited Maine over the summer and we're heading back this month.

    And possibly this spring.. possibly full time.

    So: tattoo shops in Portland?! What goes on up there? I popped into one (the name of which I can't even remember) and the work looked prettaaay prettayyy... prettayy.. not good. So get at me about Portland and also Maine in general if you know anything!


  4. Yeah, the food at Matchless ain't much. Guess we can decide if we want to get a better meal when we're there?

    @dirbab come out!

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    Oh -- or we could actually reserve some space at The Rich. This is where I work http://www.therichardsonnyc.com/ I am there often but could be convinced.. It's a little less crazy than Matchless and nicer. And has decent sandwiches and snacks.. Say the word and I can reserve a small area.

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