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Posts posted by gougetheeyes

  1. Welcome dude! @Graeme gives some good insight. Instead of taking your interests and trying to make them tattooable, try approaching from the opposite angle; find strong tattoo imagery or an artist you identify with and then see what kind of connection you might have with those things.

    Very well could get some traditional style tattoos of a coffee cup with roses (definitely seen this one before, can be a great, fun tattoo!), an airplane, etc.. or you might feel like a full on neck-to-thighs Japanese-style back piece would make more sense. Or both!

  2. How about, "I really wanna open a tattoo shop. Well, after I learn how to tattoo."

    There was a whole conversation that followed in which the person I was talking to was offended when I suggested that she spend some time and money actually getting tattoos first.

    You're right. You have two 3" tattoos you got a few months ago and even though I started getting tattoos when you were 10 years old, I am really disrespectful and most likely have no idea what I'm even talking about. Giving. the fuck. up. trying to be helpful.

  3. Thanks again to everyone who made it out - it was great to meet you all in person and to catch up with those of you I have met before. The time flew by too fast!

    Here's the only pic that didn't have everyone looking like zombies from the flash.

    Seriously the nicest (and smartest) group of people I've ever met.

    So bummed I couldn't make it out to the left coast! You all look fantastic. CA kills NY for getting their shit together!

  4. Noticed a lot of Friday the 13th backlash this time around, maybe just because of instagram. I see both sides of it, I'm just a little amazed that so many shops have started doing this now, and even more so, that the general public has come to expect it. "What do you mean you're not doing $13 tattoos today? ..I don't understand.."

  5. I know a couple other of you are in Oslo besides @Iwar and just in case you wanna go out and listen to some music on Wednesday night the 18th, my good buddy Jon DeRosa is playing a set at Mir(?). He does really awesome croony tunes, kind of ethereal and kind of lounge-y. He's also an all-around rad dude and has some great tattoos!

    Jon DeRosa

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