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Everything posted by gougetheeyes

  1. For the Lil Talismans (as I've now dubbed them), are you using symbols from anything in particular, or just your own?
  2. Call 'em a mulligan and let's move on. I also won't get my lip tattooed. Next!
  3. The divorce from 8 years ago is obviously noteworthy. At least it was a generally nice article! And nice to see Curly!
  4. Redneck Shark is incredible! Though he looks more like Old Timer Who Might Also Have a Still in the Shed Shark.
  5. That is an incredible story. Thanks again, Robin, for sharing. Seems like you're making the right moves.
  6. ::Ahem,Scott,ahem:: Also noticed Jason Kundell will be there as well, quality tattoos.
  7. First, huge congratulations are in order! Second, this: "i stopped on the path i was on, took a moment to look around, realized that i didn't like where i was headed, and decided to go off of it and in an entirely new direction." >> I have this feeling often. Wanting to step off the trajectory, but then I stumble because I'm not sure of where to go. I think I may actually be on my way to figuring it out, though I almost don't want to admit it to myself, if that makes sense. And understanding that nothing happens overnight. Third, this: "i still want to write about California tattoo history, but i do not wish to do so in the realm of "academia". i want to write it as part of this community, for this community, and i want those who are interested in knowing about it to have access to it, without broadcasting it to those who would potentially exploit it." > Just well said is all. And sounds like the only way to do it. This is super positive and, dare I say, inspirational. Good luck, godspeed, etc.
  8. Oh great, Nordic jokes I DO NOT UNDERSTAND! Welcome Henrik, haha. Nice introduction, sounds like you're taking the right approach. Hope this leads to some great tattoos in the future!
  9. HAHA best intro to a video.. "it says you fucking like bluegrass, you don't mind amphibians and you definitely get high."
  10. Without fail, the lady head in a rose Scott tattooed on me is the one that always gets the most, "Wait, lemme just.. see it one more time.."
  11. Awesome, can't wait to watch these later on (/watch them at work when nobody is looking..)
  12. Ha! Awesome, never knew anyone else thought about that -- I always mean to ask but either forget or if I remember, feel too lame to ask hahaa.
  13. Oh how I wish I didn't go through manic throw-everything-out rages. This year though just getting tattooed has sort of prohibited me from building my small little collections, which include old thermoses and straight razors. I was in Asbury Park a few weekends ago though, and there's some really great antique/vintage stores down there for any of you in the NY/NJ area.
  14. Really enjoyed the Craig Ferguson piece. Now, for something a bit more forceful:
  15. Man, I could look at that all day. So strong.
  16. Was worried this would be a negative thread, but relieved that others are bothered by all the negativity. Makes me want to quit the internet.
  17. Won't make this one, but planning to get down to DC/Richmond over the winter!
  18. Also, was looking through the first Jerry book last night, with all the letters to Ed from 69-70s, so poignant and funny.
  19. Got this little guy last night from Perez. HE IS SO SAD
  20. I think about the same thing and while it's different for everybody I always come back to the big common thread between cultures, past and present, and the significance placed upon tattoos. There's been some discussion here about it if you poke around. People have given me answers but it's never enough, so I doubt the question of why will ever be truly answered. Human experience, a crazy thing.
  21. Right, so, does anyone have opinions on the letter or has it become somewhat pointless since they're directing us to the Health Dept. and asking for input on health regs? Originally, it was a "please oppose this business and others like it" though now seems it's taken another direction. I have no idea about health reg. stuff.
  22. Well, I was a pussy regardless.
  23. I don't know that any random people have commented to me negatively but some family members have said some things and I usually just say, "Oh, cool." There is a thing that's happened twice to me this year, of tourists (pretty sure they're tourists) snapping my photo as I'm walking down the street. Both times, I didn't know what to do. I do not have a snappy comeback for that, but I wanted to smash their cameras into their faces. If it happens again, I'll say something. I'm not even crazily tattooed (no hands, throat, face) and never even wear shorts on weekdays so.. who knows.
  24. I fell apart, but then I realized I was being a pussy, and now I'm thriving like a motherfucker. Granted, this was ten years ago..
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