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gougetheeyes last won the day on June 12 2020

gougetheeyes had the most liked content!


Profile Information

  • Biography
    Tattoo-getter and sometimes writer on tattoo-related topics.
  • Location
    Bk, Ny
  • Interests
    Coffee spiller, haircut enthusiast, pulp reader.
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  1. I wouldn't do anything to this tattoo man, looks great. Who is the tattooer?
  2. THIS THREAD WAS SO FUN! I've missed so much.. Lil panther guy by Mario Desa on my right, and on my left I've got a sleeve-background-skin triangle where a little "Mom" heart lives. That actually says, Ma. No photo of that one though.
  3. Damn, nobody is disappointing! Got this little one from Andy Perez at the new shop Allied in Bushwick when I was back a couple months ago visiting. Bad cell phone picture, but you get the idea. First one above the collar, d'oh!
  4. @hogg @dcostello @Scott R and everyone else getting killer work.. Well done! I've had to hoard money like a crazy person for this move.. can't wait to get to start getting tattooed again, going a little nuts.
  5. If you want to get a phoenix on your arm, go see a reputable tattooer at a reputable shop. If you tell us where you live, there's a good chance someone here can point you in the right direction.
  6. Because he's clear and easy to understand?
  7. @CultExciter there are a couple decent shops up and around here and obviously you've got Portsmouth NH not far. We only have a one bedroom but we'll get that air mattress ready for ya.. And meanwhile I'll continue working on other friends to get them to open a shop..
  8. Of interest, worth a 20 minute watch. Good morning LST!! http://noisey.vice.com/under-the-influence/under-the-influence-new-york-hardcore?utm_source=noiseyfbus
  9. @CultExciter, it's a Big Move spring! Been up in Portland Maine working for the last three weeks while the wife wraps up things in NYC and we do the big move Thursday-Friday. Walked away from a great job (and job offer..) and tons of great people -- but also walked away from a city we're simply not willing to simply survive in anymore for more reasons I care to list. Don't know if it's the right move, but I was giggling by myself in the car when I shot outta there three weeks ago.. Had an unbelievable send-off on my last shift. Doing my best to look ahead!
  10. @MoistTowelette Is this all Gogue?
  11. I'd advise against getting the other side of your neck tattooed, especially if you're not actially interested in tattoos and not interested in how it will affect the rest of your life. There was a lot more rant here but lol yolo.
  12. In tonight's episode of Shitty Reality Check: You got face tats, you might get strong reactions!
  13. Man, I forgot about this thread! I was just talking to someone last night about how I need to take some time to read some fiction. Been OD'ing on some native non-fiction over the last six months: Like a Hurricane The Journey of Crazyhorse Russ Means' autobiography Where White Men Fear to Tread and Vine DeLoria's Custer Died for Your Sins All really great and all just gave me momentum putting together the Warriors Fund show.. But now, I need a fiction break. Or at least a Bukowski break..
  14. Yeah we didn't make it either. After cleaning up a bit we were totally wiped..
  15. @xcom the unsold pieces we'll put up I think through Instagram just stay tuned. @Fala damn, you're right! Didn't see any of you and Jason! Sorry bout that. :( However, here are a few good ones, still having a little trouble uploading but these are good! And then Nunez got an open container citation.. - - - Updated - - - Couple more. Bidding got a little crazy! And also @Fala thank you both for hanging til the end and putting up with the near chaos after the announcement of winners..
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