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  • Biography
    I reject reality and substitute my own (Mythbusters)
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  • Interests
    Parties, motorcycles, tattooes, simracing, animals
  • Occupation
    Something with airplanes

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  1. I've also had some healing problems with red, takes a little longer but eventually heals the same as others..
  2. The armpits (stripe down the middle and feet) are still open...And will probably stay open.. I already got sweat glands in the armpit acting quit up a lot...Also, after getting my tailbone done I had a lot of issues with glands there what I really don't want under my arm..
  3. You got 2 arms :D
  4. Just mail him ;) 1st Egyptian, now this...Make an appointment and let him do his thing on you.
  5. And his waiting list isn't that long due to his short time in Holland, it's growing fast though...
  6. Check out Massimo Luciani, based in Amsterdam @ Schiffmacher & Veldhoen (https://www.instagram.com/bluetoned/) Also did a Egyptian theme not too long ago..
  7. You can never have enough skulls....Or Pin-up's...And flowers..
  8. Depends a bit on the (his) taste but a Highland Park 12 year or Bowmore 12 year are reasonably priced (30 - 40 eur. in Europe) and (almost) everybody likes them.
  9. Everytime a different, good single malt Scotch Whisky is my standard gift for my artist :)
  10. In the shop there is a huge sign: Unattended children will be sold to the circus... Why would a convention be something else..? As long as they don't run around and listen to the parents or artists I think it's fine :)
  11. Massimo Luciani, currently in Amsterdam (tattooing.nl) https://www.instagram.com/bluetoned/ Does some killer fine work.
  12. That's the spot...Getting chills allover again :X Looking awesome though :)
  13. Ooh yes, something to bite down on...Specially right on the tailbone, that was the most nasty spot on my body (by far).. Left cheek got a skull with mouth closed, right cheek got a skull with a snake through the jaw.
  14. Background ribs done, lightning will be done last session (End of March/Beginning April) and left "cheek" done (those 2 stripes in the middle hurt as I've never felt before)
  15. Tycho Veldhoen
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