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Posts posted by slayer9019

  1. So on another forum I am on (non-tattoo), I came across "is this tattoo guy good" thread...well lets just say I am talking him out of a bad-bad decision....


    So I am thinking about getting one of my dogs as a tattoo. I have a buddy who offered to do the tatt for a reasonable price.

    this is the picture I sent him


    This is the drawing he sent back.


    I am very happy with the sketch But I am afraid I like it because he is a friend. What do you guys think of the sketch. I don't want a truck-a-saurus on my hands.

  2. While I was at my last session there were quite a few people in the shop, in particular two girls who were loud, one getting tattooed. They left about 5 minuets before a smoke break was issued from my artist. Upon entering the hallway I was greeted to a huge pile of puke, with the large majority being red wine....gross. I am usually in a meditate state during my tattoo so I guess I never noticed the one girl leave. Apparently the friend watching was pretty lit and decided that the hall/stairs was the best place to loose the red wine.

  3. Just saw this thread.. I'll share two quick experiences.

    The first, my lady and I tried a restaurant in the neighborhood we'd never been to. Our area is half young white kids, half old school Italian/families. This restaurant was an Italian spot and not one we knew anything about, just figured we'd try it. We sit down and our waiter had a pretty bad 'tude.. wasn't looking at us when we ordered drinks, came back for the food order and that was that. He ran the food and barely said a word to us. This was summertime, and we both had on short sleeves but in New York you don't even think twice about visible tattoos.. it's only when you go somewhere else (like when I go home to rural MD) when you notice people kind of staring. Anyway, a couple sat down next to us, kind of yuppie, dressed in khakis or whatever, not tattooed. Our waiter comes back out and gives them a whole introduction, talks about the specials, makes jokes and is all smiles, talking with hands and being the kind of affable that feels like he's making a point. Then he brings them bread! We were amazed.. We got no specials, no bread, no water refills... we flagged him down to get the check and our only conclusion was that he saw us and instantly figured we'd be bad customers.. so we were sure to actually leave a good tip. Still don't know what the deal was but we never went back.

    Second, is I was recently in small claims court and it was one of the few times I thought to myself, Man, am I glad I don't have any hand/neck tattoos. You can't control other peoples' snap judgments.. and when that person is a judge (ok, arbitrator) it seemed in my benefit to look as "normal" as possible. Hopefully, one day I'll be able to seriously consider some Everlasting Jobstopper tattoos... but for now, I just want bread and water refills like the rest of society.

    I had something similar happen to my friends and I a few years ago. Most of them are very heavily covered (hand, fingers, neck) and the waitress kept blowing us off. She messed up our order and got mad when we corrected her. Sucks that people judge, as most of us make pretty good money and are very pleasant people.

    I have had a recent run-in with both sides of the coin. A shop near me that I usually go to to fix my "beer getting car". The previous times I dropped my car off to them I was wearing my non-work attire (Cannibal Corpse shirt, shorts, tattoo showing etc) and they always treated me well, called before doing work as I ask since the car is not really needed. The last time I dropped my car off I was in full work attire (nice suit 3-piece suit, nice watch, etc). They were a bit rude to me and ignored me for the most part. When it came time to pick up the car they said they "had" to do $1300 in work (not true!) and "you can afford it, why are you arguing?". So I can say in this particular situation I feel that not having a tattoo/dressing up hurt me.

  4. Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers!

    i feel like the next "big player" is going to step into the power vacuum and contact Walt and Jessie. It's the most logical next step, but Walt is also running out of money since the whole buy the car wash/bailout IRS thing happened.

  5. Anyone have experience with tattoos with cross hatch shading done? I am planning a tattoo based on "Dance of Death" (medieval woodcuttings) which involves cross hatch style shading. Anyone have an idea if this style holds up well in tattoos, especially after a few years blending into each other.

    Example (see avatar or below)


  6. I can only speculate, but I imagine yours wasn't the only appointment that got screwed up because of him switching shops. He was probably scrambling to get his stuff together in the hopes of making money on the trip so in that respect that sucks for him. On the other hand I think you everything you could expect out of a customer, and beyond that in my opinion. I imagine if the shoe was on the other foot, and you were the one flaking on him and changing times last minute and or not communicating with him, he would have no issue keeping your deposit. I think it's cool that you are sticking with the shop and it hasn't soured you on this kind of tattoo experience. I think the least the guy could do is give you at least half your deposit as a measure of good faith or the shop for that matter if they took your money and booked the appointment. But honestly if it was this hard to get the first sitting done, I can only imagine what the next appointment could entail so for $100 bucks you don't have to deal with it again.

    I very very much agree with the next session deal. It would have been my entire upper leg and would be quite a few long sessions. As far as the shop, I feel that the artists on site are excellent at what they do and I have no reason to not keep going there.

  7. Something similar happened to me a while back. I had booked a tattooer for 2 sessions and had paid a £200 deposit. Anyway the tattoo was completed in one session but I thought I would still use the second appointment as I really liked his work and he has quite a waiting list. So I paid in full for the work done with the deposit being carried forward for the next sitting. After the second tattoo was done I went to settle up with the shop manager and he said that’s £400 for the work today minus £100 deposit. Now I was pretty sure I had paid in full for the last one carrying the £200 deposit forward. Anyway he was ok about it and said he would check his books. When I got home I checked my money and it appeared I might have had more than I could account for. Anyway I gave him the benefit of the doubt. Was it worth ruining my chances of ever getting tattooed there again for the cost of a night out? I popped by the shop a week later with the disputed £100 and a lesson learned. Always get a receipt.

    A while later I booked at the same shop with another tattooer. About a month before the tattoo my wife took a phone call from the same shop manager. He says he has been checking his records and was asking if I paid a deposit and if I had when. My wife was a bit curt with him and replied yes and that I had a receipt in my wallet.

    Now this guy either doesn’t now his arse from his elbow or there’s another explanation. I got a really great tattoo but it makes me feel a little bit wary going back there again.

    Every shop in NYC that I have been to gives a receipt at least with session dates, artist and amount of deposit so I make sure of that. I understand the whole ruining shop reputation as well.

  8. If the guy is a reputable artists as you mentioned then the location shouldn't matter, it won't change his ability to do a good tattoo (unless that location is a rocky boat or a roller coaster haha). It sucks that it seems like he's being a bit of a dick about it though. Most artists I know who've changed shops have contacted their customers who have already booked appointments. I do feel like the shop that took your $100 does owe you that at least in tattoo credits, especially if you are getting tattooed there all the time.

    I will say that even if you are the best tattooer switching finding out from the customer that your not going to the original shop then jumping from shop to shop to "private studio", does hurt your reputation on a personal level for me. And I agree location does not effect ability (unless on the high seas!). It's not really about the money since 100 barely dents the cost of tattoo but more about it was offered then never received.

  9. While it's probably a total bummer for clients, it's often necessary to be flexible when getting tattooed by traveling tattooers or at conventions. Things can get pretty crazy for us.

    "Private studio in Brooklyn" doesn't sound sketchy to me. I've been tattooed like that, in Brooklyn too. It was awesome and I got one of my favourite tattoos that way.

    It seems fairly common for New York tattooers to have a private space.

    It may seem obvious, but make sure any email correspondence is from the same address. It's confusing as hell to get emails from different addresses or particularly addresses of family members.

    Yea I guess I can see it be ok to go that route and I understand the traveling part (in my business the same thing happens A LOT). I am guessing I just got scared off from past experiences. As for the communication, I make sure to use phone with a conformation Email (it's my full name) to avoid confusion (also happens a lot to me in my job). I will probably not pursue the money, regardless I am already booked out for the year at the shop in question anyway, and have no desire to ruin my reputation there.

  10. I will not name names just yet but I got screwed out of my deposit by a traveling artist. At a very reputable shop I signed up for a tattoo by a know artist and things got screwed up. We were set on the date and I gave him a $100 deposit. A two weeks before my appointment he called and said he had to move my date up since he is traveling, I agreed to it and move my day off of work (not easy). The next week I was at the shop with while my other friend got tattooed and I was talking to one of the guys there and mentioned I was going to be back next week to get tattooed. He said that the guy does not work there anymore.... After calling the guy again he said oh yea guess I cant do it there but we could always go to (another reputable shop). That fell through as well and was offered to do it at a "private studio in Brooklyn"....no dice for me since I always scope out the shops before hand, as well as feeling jerked around quite a bit. He said he would refund my deposit since everything got messed up....two months later he still never refunded me and now "doesn't know who I am"....

    How the hell do I fix this? I personally think this is not my fault otherwise I would not ask for a refund (he was the one who mentioned it to begin with). Any thoughts?

  11. My lower leg actually heals pretty fast (2-3 weeks and its 100%). I never had swelling past the first 24 hours max. I also make sure to elevate my leg the second I get home and keep it elevated as much as possible the following day, no issues here! Only thing is it seems to get dried out way easier than other locations, so tons of water + tons of lotion seems to do the trick.

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