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Posts posted by slayer9019

  1. So it looks like I have finially decided what to finish my right calf off with. Geometric pattern style stuff. I have been lurking through some Thomas Hooper stuff and similar (propbably going with Hooper). So anyone have any good stuff to post or also what do you guys think for the space I am working with.



    please don't mind the werewolf hair or razor cuts (not very experienced at shaving my legs)

  2. Shawn, swing by Ashley and I's booth!

    Slayer, Really? I hear all the Jersey ranges besides Fort Dix (w/ mil. buddy escort) are kinda lame unless you BYO (which is near impossible for a NYer) I hear CT an PA got that good shit though.

    Yea if you dont have your own it kinda blows but the place i go will store your guns on site. PA has the best rentals but it gets expensive for the big toys. NJ is usually limited to .22lr 9mm .40 and .45 rental wise. Easiest way is to find a buddy with the fun stuff.

  3. Fuck man, I live in NYC, all we're allowed to shoot here are dirty looks. I mean I grew up in Florida so I got my first gun when I was about 10, it was a mossberg bolt action 4-10 shotgun, wish I still had it. Haven't shot anything in probably 13+ years though. Last thing I think I shot was my buddy's Remington 7mm magnum Elk hunting rifle, thing was basically a missile launcher.

    There are a few good ranges in Jersey that you should check out. NYC is probably the most gun-unfriendly place on earth! I have a small arsenal that is being left behind when I move to BK. That doesn't mean I will ever stop shooting, hell who could deny the AR-15?

  4. I can agree with the doctor thing as well!

    Also I found over in Newark, NJ (I used to live there so I go back a lot) I usually get a lot of comments by people working in the shops. Also almost every person that works at the Panera Cafe, almost always starts a conversation about my tattoo/their tattoo as they are almost always tattooed.

    Probably the funniest response I got was in a Starbucks by where I work. I usually go in there in a suit, but once went there on a weekend. The guy working the counter recognized me and was blown away that suit-types can actually like metal (Cannibal Corpse shirt) and have tattoos. It was kind of funny.

  5. Benadryl or some other over the counter med might help if you're going crazy.

    My new tattoo was very itchy and it's been 2 weeks.

    Definitely worse at night, when I am tired.

    I personally found a few beers and the itch is almost gone!

    I very much agree on the itchier at night. That is usually the time it is INSANE. My roommate thought I was on drugs once because I burst out of my room because it itched so bad then rummaged through the freezer for frozen veggies. Freezing cold is the absolute best, greatest, wonderful thing for itchy tattoos. Trick is to cover more than the tattoo with the cold item (frozen peas are my favorite!)

  6. Ha ha! I never linked the two together before. I think you may be on to something though. I had both my arms done with variations between none and mild enough to be annoyed itching. My back, I didn't have any real issues with. But the piece on my leg? If I remember right, that took a couple weeks longer to heal AND it itched like crazy!

    Yea I figured it out when I shaved my leg a few days earlier before the tattoo and the itch came in a massive wave. I will comment when I get my arm done to verify.

  7. I concur with the general consensus. I had a friend ask me about it, I discouraged her but she went and did it anyway. Three months later she got it redone in black. Had a lady and her daughter who insisted on white tattoos because she didn't want a tattoo to interfere with her daughters modeling career. Explained to them what to expect (not much) and they seem to be happy with it. Of course when your goal is an invisible tattoo, it's pretty easy.

    Why do people want invisible tattoos? Isn't that the opposite of a tattoo?

  8. It's really hard to speculate if a person would be any more or less successful with or without tattoos. At some point a persons work ethic and performance should factor into the equation.

    This I agree with absolutely, but the problem is getting in the door and proving you are a successful employee in the beginning of your working career. This is why I know I am going to get my highly visible tattoos much later in my career.

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