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Everything posted by slayer9019

  1. I never looked at work as a place to express myself or be anything more than a damn good employee. From my experience there is a reason that most corporate jobs have a boring dress code is so that the focus is on what you say an do and not how you look. Since only one person I have worked with has ever known I had a tattoo (he only knew about one haha), I have had a good insight to what people think about tattoos. I have had to grit my teeth though they trash talking tattooed folks at the starbucks we go to. I threw out some defensive arguments but I also treat it like talking politics at work...tread lightly. I did laugh when one of them did say "they would never be able to work with us at XYZ Big Corp...oh would they be surprised. Like I have learned in the past, it's best to leave personal life outside of work. I avoid way more than just tattoos at work. I also avoid any "touchy" subjects or subjects with very varying views. Politics, music, lifestyle-choices, drinking, guns, drugs, and actually a lot of current events. Hell I've heard people spout their opinions that changed my view of them (ultra-ultra-conservative usually). I once got in a little bit of a heated debate over gun laws with some colleges and lets just say it was not appropriate to discuss strong opinions at work (specifically concealed carry) . Learned my lesson.
  2. For a killer shop feel I would head over to Invisible NYC. Everyone that works there knocks it outta the park and most are pretty diverse as far as style goes. I know they're site is kinda outdated as far as who works there (there are more than listed) and current portfolios but it is definitely worth a swing through. I liked them for their super-approachability. Also as mentioned there are a TON of amazing shops in NYC. The list goes on and on so I will not repeat already mentioned shops.
  3. Actually it's Raijin. He is getting some buddies in the future but judging by the size of this tattoo he will be a loner for awhile.
  4. Just got my knee ditch tattooed...I have underestimated the uncomfortableness of getting tattooed! The real killer for me is not the actually getting tattooed part but the next day for an ass-to-knee ditch tattoo. Can't walk right!
  5. Haha I will show more when I get some of the shading knocked out. @Dan S hell yea it is turning out awesome so far in it's infancy. Still got at least a year left before it's done! I will be posting updates as larger portions are finished.
  6. I wouldn't flat out say "heavy handed vs light handed" tattooing will cause or not cause scars as this really is in two realms that are not my expertise. This being said I have done a bit of research after my own discovery of my tattoos being raised/itchy/etc. When you cause trauma to the skin (aka being jabbed with a needle a whole bunch) you are going to create scar tissue. Scar tissue is different from regular skin tissue as it is not composed of the same "stuff" as regular skin. Raised scaring that can be accompanied with itchiness (in my case during hot/humid weather or irritation) is usually classified as hypertrophic scarring. In extreme cases the devolpment of keloids (highly doubt anyone here has experienced keloids). With hypertrophic scarring symptoms are raised scar tissue that is red in color (since we have a whole bunch of ink in there you wont see the redness) and itchiness of the scar. Like I stated before with the same artist I have some that are raised (you can feel the entire tattoo's image) and another that is completely flat, so I would rule out heavy vs light handed. To sum up it is normal, completely fine and just a simple part of being a tattooed person. Sources: http://www.molmed.org/pdfstore/09_153_Gauglitz.pdf
  7. Yea all of my tattoos are a bit raised where the lines are. They also "puff up" when irritated or when its hot out. If you think about it, it is normal as it is skin trauma. I got other scars that do the same thing.
  8. The dagger through <anything> tattoos are always awesome. I always thought about getting one. I say do it!
  9. @Dan S now that is a awesome tattoo. Every time you post up a new one it makes me want to go out and get another!
  10. Yea heard this on WSOU yesterday. I wish they stated the brand as it is kinda important.
  11. I remember you telling this story in another thread. Punk rock for sure!
  12. what....the......f......... that is bad even by bad standards
  13. When are you thinking of heading out in the NYC area?
  14. Awesome! Also it doesn't take dreaming it takes motivation. Save money, contact and try and get tattooed. Travelling might be in order. I've been tattooed by some damn good artists and all it took was some communication. They are not unapproachable!
  15. LUCKY!! I wish I could shoot on my own property. Apparently my landlord said that firing guns from my fire escape in a 200+ person building next to two schools is no acceptable. :( Time to move to Texas! Also nice AR
  16. Yea his big stuff is outta this world. I'm doing my leg from waist to foot. Backpieces are too small.
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