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  1. Like
    Stitch626 reacted to Duffa in Random Picture Thread   
    ^^ hahaha I was looking at that photo and going through the list
    Juggalo Tattoo - check
    WWE Shirt - Check
    "Ass Kickin' Home Grown" Shirt - Check
    Pregnant Missus with Possible meth sores - check
    And then i realised this photo needed a mullet to be complete. At first i was saddened by the no mullet situation... and then I looked in the right corner behind the prime candidate for mother of the year and behind the stripy shirt guy - win.
  2. Like
    Stitch626 reacted to Tight-Lines in Random Picture Thread   
    Picturing sex with those two is mind boggling.
  3. Like
    Stitch626 got a reaction from AlannaCA in palm tattoos   
    I love the raven (?) that's just beautiful!
  4. Like
    Stitch626 reacted to RoryQ in Kirituhi vs Maori Traditional?   
    I've got a book on Maori tattooing called 'Mau Moko', written by a group of Maori academics (most of them tattooed) who interviewed Maori artists and people with a lot of moko. The book is a fairly academic survey of the past, present, future etc. One of the chapters is a fairly robust presentation of all the different strong feelings about moko and kirituhi. It might provide some of the perspectives you're after?
    Amazon.com: Mau Moko: The World of Maori Tatoo (9780824832537): Ngahuia Te Awekotuku, Becky Nunes, Linda Waimarie Nikora, Mohi Rua, Rolinda Karapu: Books
    YouTube interview with the authors

  5. Like
    Stitch626 reacted to kylegrey in Kirituhi vs Maori Traditional?   
    Hey Stitch, true traditional Maori tattooing is tribe specific and the tattoo tells a story relevant to that area and its history .The Kirituhi has been developed for europeans or non-maori descendents who want a tattoo to have the look of ta moko or traditional design .Your idea of incorporating a Hawaiian band is pretty close to the mark as the Maori people originated from the Islands of Hawaii and sailed to New Zealand by canoe .
  6. Like
    Stitch626 reacted to Tight-Lines in palm tattoos   
    Welp. A lot of PD I know are able to admit when they are on a shit detail and rarely the public catches on. He was probably intrigued by how accurate your drunken observations were.
  7. Like
    Stitch626 reacted to calbee in Pre and post-tattoo rituals   
    I try to make my appointments early and have a nice breakfast... Afterwards I go for rib tips and spicy links.
  8. Like
    Stitch626 reacted to Tight-Lines in Rioting in London   
    He will make everything right.
  9. Like
    Stitch626 reacted to Tight-Lines in Rioting in London   
    You brits need to calm the fuck down and get over it. We won America.

  10. Like
    Stitch626 reacted to Bryan Burk in Japanese tattoo politics   
    If the original post was asking for info about the politics of the Japanese tattoo world in itself (their drama within their own tattoo culture, tattoo families etc), I apologize in advance for this long post about having tattoos in Japan.
    I've spent a lot of time in Japan, most of it centered around tattoo-related things. I've tattooed there a good amount, as have many of my friends. I work with a japanese tattooer who specializes in their traditional style of tattooing, working with machine and by hand. Both of us have been tattooed by Horiyoshi 3 extensively, by hand in Yokohama, which puts you right in the middle of where tattooing intersects with the underworld in their culture (Juan could also talk a lot about that I'm sure, having managed to get dozens of Yakuza naked and photograph them). We talk about this stuff all the time, and I've also had many hours of lengthy discussions with other tattooers who've spent way more time in Japan than I have, pre-dating the Japanese "open" tattoo scene that they have now; as well as years of talking to Japanese friends who live here and there.
    Given all that, I don't see any reason why people shouldn't discuss this publicly. In fact, I'd say it SHOULD be discussed, so tattooed people who'd like to go to Japan can have an idea about how to behave/what to expect/basic rules of thumb for services etc that might be effected by your having tattoos. I had a customer telling people the other day "you don't show a KOI tattoo in japan!!" which, while at least sensitive, is a little extreme and oversimplified.
    The above links have really good info. One of the best snippets I found was roughly "in Japan, the Yakuza are never far". That's really true, but not in the way you might think. In Japan, organized crime is an accepted part of the culture, and frequently they are involved in business that comes into contact with regular people (construction, high-interest cash loans which are very popular, nightclubs, property management etc). A friend of mine's elderly mother needed the roof on her house replaced: she got a bid of around $20,000, contracted the company to do it, paid them, and they stole her money. Although her deceased husband had once been the mayor of the town they live in, she was powerless to do anything. It's not like here where as long as you're pretty much not trying to deal large amounts of drugs on the street, or walking around in the ghetto dressed like 2-pac, gangs are pretty much going to leave you alone, because you're not moving in their world. In Japan, the Yakuza make their living off the normal people (as I understand it), so there's always the threat that ordinary people might have to deal with them.
    There are magazines you can buy at 7-11 in Japan that are basically like "Yakuza Weekly", it's that accepted. One of the famous ones is called "Document"
    This intimidation is where a lot of their power comes from, from what I can tell. Japan is a very "polite" society, where fitting in is stressed to a degree that we can't comprehend. People are quiet for the most part, humble, keep to themselves. The idea of a thug coming into a small business and making a commotion (most indoor spaces in Japan are small) by shouting or simply threatening to make a scene is intimidating enough that most business owners would want to pay money, monthly, to avoid such a mess. Every street tattoo shop in Japan I've ever asked pays these kind of fees, as I'm sure many, many businesses do. Even extremely well connected people I've met still pay, just heavily reduced amounts.
    Asian culture in general is just so much more homogenous than life as we know it, to stand out at all is to really draw attention to one's self. So tattoos not only go against the grain in the larger social sense, but they're also something that touches the ever present "yakuza" nerve in the minds of much of the population. It's like a double whammy for a largely mild-mannered people. An easy way to think about it is imagine being at the library with your kid, or at a restaurant, and seeing some guy walk in with "MS13" or "Slauson Crips" tattooed very visibly on his neck; would make most normal people uncomfortable. In Japan, to SOME people, it doesn't matter if you've got My Little Pony on your arm and you're as white as Howdy Doody, if you're showing a tattoo in public, you're a thug, and probably a criminal. I've had little old men come up to me and call me a Yakuza, and even after I explained in Japanese that I'm not Japanese so I can't be Yakuza (which isn't really true anymore), they just keep pointing at the tattoos and saying "Yakuza, Yakuza..."
    But keep in mind, that's the exception. In Japan, pretty much anyone who's not Japanese is seen as kind of a monkey anyway, so even without tattoos, there're going to be things they don't want you doing/participating in. I've gotten dirty looks without anything showing in a Bob Dylan themed bar for merely invading their little world. But I've also been shown enormous kindness with a lot of skin showing by elderly people. Kind of like here, I find young adults and middle aged people tend to be most offended, while kids, teenagers, and the old & elderly are usually interested or inquisitive about foreigners and/or tattoos. I've also seen many Japanese people showing tattoos in public, even very traditional ones.
    I'd be happy to answer any questions that I can, but in general:
    In Japan, many people live in tiny apartments that don't have a bathroom or even a toilet, let alone a shower (imagine living in a bed & breakfast with no shower). Many people who do have the square, deep traditional baths big enough for one in Japan will acutally re-heat bath water for themselves to save water & heating costs. Because of these constraints, and because it's so nice, the "Sento" or public bath is still very popular. Sento are kind of like an indoor public pool, but it's a bathhouse which has a separate side for men and women. There are little faucets with very hot water that you sit in front of on a stool, next to other people doing the same. Here you wash yourself with soap before getting into the very hot bath, which is usually big enough for 3-6 people. There are also showers, but the real fun is the bath, which feels amazing (there's usually an even hotter one right next to it). Sento is everyone's basic right, to take a bath, so it doesn't matter how many tattoos you have, you're welcome. When you hear japanese tattooers talking about seeing tattoos for the first time in the bathhouse, they mean Sento, not Onsen.
    Onsen are the natural hot springs scattered all throughout Japan, almost all of them have minerals that good for your health. Usually there's some kind of facility built up around them, whether it's a huge wooden building, a hotel, a rustic retreat, or even just a vessel that looks like a swimming pool. Some onsen are outdoor, some indoor, some co-ed, some public, some private. Unlike Sento, Onsen is a luxury activity, and a source of much national pride. It's like going to a spa here, many elderly people and families are on vacation, tour groups have chartered busses, schools are taking class trips etc. They want to enjoy the scenery relax, deeply, and they're naked in public (all Sento and Onsen are nude all the time). They don't wanna see Scott asking them to scoot over in some language they don't understand. Therefore, many Onsen don't allow tattooed people, they figure "why bother trying to sort out the good tattooed people from the bad, all Yakuza are bad, period, and many Yakuza have tattoos". If you want to enjoy Onsen, I'd say look for those that are more rural and private, not too fancy, connected to a hotel or inn. I've only been to a few, and the ones I know don't allow tattoos tend to be some of the most famous and beautiful. But I HAVE enjoyed seeing snow fall in ultra hot water under the night air with many naked tattooed guys, so it can be done.
    Hotels AFAIK don't turn away anyone, all have private baths. Some have Sento or "rooftop Onsen" which are nice and usually small, so you dhouldn't be shy about using them. Capsule hotels seem to be the exception, as they have a kind of Sento only, and since they're located in nightlife heavy areas, that means many Yakuza, so they don't want tattooed people in the public bath inside.
    Many nightclubs in Japan have specific "rules" which, as a monkey, they're going to think you of course don't understand; so you might get turned away, even if you're with a Japanese person, but not always.
    In Japan, just be polite, bow your head a little to people, say "Sumimasen" if you say nothing else (excuse me), and put soy sauce on your rice if you want, you're an American.
    anyway, I typed a lot & I wanna do something else, but happy to help anyone who has a question if I can
  11. Like
    Stitch626 reacted to dari in Japanese tattoo politics   
    Maybe at next LST dinner, if we ever get it together.
  12. Like
    Stitch626 reacted to Ursula in Random Picture Thread   
  13. Like
    Stitch626 reacted to AlannaCA in Cat Pictures   
    im surprised it hasnt been mentioned yet, but who else knows about Simons Cat? i love these little videos and heres my favorite one

  14. Like
    Stitch626 reacted to Jaycel Adkins in Technical Terms   
    "A picture is worth a thousand words."
    If I wanted a tattoo with those effects, I would bring a picture with me to show the tattooer.
  15. Like
    Stitch626 reacted to Ursula in Random Picture Thread   
  16. Like
    Stitch626 got a reaction from jade1955 in Cat Pictures   
    I found the others I wanted to post of Nessels...
    The first one, she just had to play on my lap top.. and yes she actually was sitting there "typing" before I pushed her over and she still continued to push the keys
    The third was after I got woken up by the flying corgi alarm clock Clancy, Ness came in, jumped up and laid down next to me and put her paw into my hand, and started purring away.
  17. Like
    Stitch626 got a reaction from Patriot Ink Tattoo in Cat Pictures   
    OH NO!!! Let me try to fix...
    BUCKET CAT!!!!
  18. Like
    Stitch626 got a reaction from MsRad in Cat Pictures   
    I found the others I wanted to post of Nessels...
    The first one, she just had to play on my lap top.. and yes she actually was sitting there "typing" before I pushed her over and she still continued to push the keys
    The third was after I got woken up by the flying corgi alarm clock Clancy, Ness came in, jumped up and laid down next to me and put her paw into my hand, and started purring away.
  19. Like
    Stitch626 got a reaction from cibo in Cat Pictures   
    OH NO!!! Let me try to fix...
    BUCKET CAT!!!!
  20. Like
    Stitch626 got a reaction from AlannaCA in Cat Pictures   
    OH NO!!! Let me try to fix...
    BUCKET CAT!!!!
  21. Like
    Stitch626 reacted to Tight-Lines in cruel, but funny   
    Ill finish off my bottle of Jameson tonight and draw some shit.
  22. Like
    Stitch626 reacted to abees in cruel, but funny   
    How to troll a dating website......
  23. Like
    Stitch626 reacted to Duffa in Cat Pictures   
    PLEASE someone make it happen so MsRad can see bucket cat! I'm not technomologically advanced enough to control the interwebs
  24. Like
    Stitch626 reacted to Tight-Lines in Cat Pictures   
    Can I haz bucket cat?
  25. Like
    Stitch626 reacted to Perez in Cat Pictures   
    YESSSS!!! Bucket cat RULES!!!!
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