Brilliant post, soraya! I think many here can relate, including men. For me, this paragraph in particular:
On a separate yet slightly related note, I just finished reading an article by a woman who was dealing with another woman (non-tattooed) who stated "tattoos are essentially down to vanity".
The writer said that the definition of "vanity" is in fact the opposite of how she and her friends feel about themselves. She went on to say that they were not entirely content about their appearance and lacked self confidence, which drove the desire for more ink.
"Rather than getting ink because I have a high opinion of my personal appearance, I get ink precisely because that high opinion is absent. ...I am still on a journey to become comfortable with my own body."
Skin Deep Nov. 2015 issue
I know this may not be how others feel, but I thought it was interesting and worthy of sharing with LST.