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The Tig

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The Tig last won the day on November 29 2016

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About The Tig

  • Birthday June 21

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  • Biography
    Lover of SMART: Science, Music, Art, Randomness, Thinking.
  • Location
    Clear Lake, TX
  • Interests
    Love time with family, playing guitar, music, reading, cycling, woodworking, outdoors
  • Occupation
    IT Security
  • I am a:
    Tattoo Collector

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  1. You mean dogs don't like wearing holiday decor?
  2. Molly loves toys.
  3. Wow, what a cool dog! Giant Schnauzers are incredible dogs. They adjust their temperament to different people and situations better than any breed I've ever encountered.
  4. When we saw her photos online (the 3 I posted), she reminded us of our Black Mouth Cur, "Ziggy". You can see her sweetness and intelligence. When we saw her in her pin, she was ferocious, barking a mean bark and a bit scary. We checked out a few other dogs but came back to her and asked the guy to see her outside, just to be sure. She lit up and became really sweet as soon as she was leashed. Outside, she ran and bounded, all happy like, then came up and snuggled with me. Bam! Instant bond. Many dogs in shelters show their true selves once outside and free.
  5. We adopted a very sweet 1 year old Plott Hound from a city shelter Saturday and couldn't be happier. Meet "Molly".
  6. Flashback, anyone?
  7. Tattoos like to ride, too.
  8. What, did you get a free bowl of soup with those tattoos?
  9. I find your lack of accountability... revealing. It is so sad to see someone continually shit all over themselves while blaming everyone else for their situation. Grow up, get over yourself and your angry attitude, and just maybe you will learn that you get what you give.
  10. When you see these people hanging out drinking and having a good time on IG, then the drama on TV appears contrived. St. Marq sure dialed up that arrogant persona, but anyone who knows the guy says he isn't like that at all. The only one I've met was Cleen, and he is actually pretty cool. I diagnosed him in a few minutes with high level ADHD just 20 feet away while I was getting my hannya.
  11. Sounds cool! I used to live about 4 blocks from where Richard Stell's place is. His name sounds familiar, but I doubt he was tattooing 33 years ago when I was there. Maybe he used to watch the hard core and punk bands (N.O.T.A., Husker Du) play at the original Crystal Pistol?
  12. I made a new friend for a few minutes Sunday, a 35" black drum on 15 pound test (fish on!) Shimano 4000 series isn't exactly heavy tackle. Big drums are not to be eaten so we released her immediately.
  13. "What's one more?" is something Mrs. T says when it comes to taking care of another kid or rescue animal, so we'll test that out with our new adoption, "Finn". He was rescued 10 weeks ago from being euthanized by a new group called Houston Pets Alive. Most dogs get adopted pretty quick, but not this one. He's not exactly the most handsome little guy, but he is super sweet and we knew no one else was likely to give him a forever home. We think he looks pretty cool. He has warmed up and loves his new dog and people family. It is obvious to us that he was abused in the past, but we will be patient in returning him to a more secure and happy dog. Mowhawk? Check 1920's raccoon coat for the full Wayne Coyne effect? Check Finn was warmly welcomed to the pack by Andy (right).
  14. This is the coolest, most interesting tattoo (tatau) story I've read here in LST.
  15. I might answer in hours. I've noticed that since both calves are mostly covered, drivers don't hassle me as much when on the bike.
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