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  1. Like
    Gregor reacted to KegRN in The Plan is Underway!   
    Took me longer than I thought to get in for my first session but here it is. Still need to add color. I wish I could stare at it but it is on my back so that is not comfortable to do. :(
  2. Like
    Gregor reacted to Stewart Robson in Just here for UV Tattoo removal of extremely delicate skin   
    If this is a real post and not some elaborate keyword troll, I don't think that's the kind of information anyone might readily share (nor should they be asked, in my opinion) either in the tattoo shop or online. Aside from being very personal, it has very little bearing on the solution to the problem.
    In this (or similar situation) my advice would always be to cover it with a great looking, high quality tattoo. Japanese style tattoos work very well for that.
  3. Like
    Gregor reacted to bugxjuice in Plainskins say the darndest things...   
    Should have headbutted him
  4. Like
    Gregor reacted to smiling.politely in Plainskins say the darndest things...   
    Good one while tattooing a girl's arm today, from one of her friends. "I mean, I know you have to have a steady hand, but tattooing doesn't look that hard."
    Told him it was the hardest thing I've ever done, with each day being both easier and harder than the day before, a really quick list of about twenty things you have to think about the whole time, and ended it after 10 seconds of awkward silence with "If tattooing were easy, there wouldn't be so many bad tattoos out there," followed by a laugh to make it obvious I wasn't mad at him or anything. He just didn't know.
    Still... wow.
  5. Like
    Gregor reacted to tatB in Plainskins say the darndest things...   
    This is going to sound snobbish but does anyone else have a really difficult time having an enjoyable conversation about tattoos with a non-tattooed person? It seems like they always push the conversation towards: laser removal, their super meaningful/personal tattoo design idea and the long story behind it, reality tv, infection/disease, or other similar non-sense.
  6. Like
    Gregor got a reaction from Aussie Tom in slang terms that make you cringe?   
    just squid pants. half squid threequarter squid , or the fulll squid .
  7. Like
    Gregor reacted to deadsp0t in slang terms that make you cringe?   
  8. Like
    Gregor got a reaction from Mark Bee in slang terms that make you cringe?   
    It annoyed me abit when the referred to Japanese style as Asian on some program , fuck me Asia is a big place ...
  9. Like
    Gregor got a reaction from Shaun1105 in slang terms that make you cringe?   
    just squid pants. half squid threequarter squid , or the fulll squid .
  10. Like
    Gregor got a reaction from deadsp0t in slang terms that make you cringe?   
    It annoyed me abit when the referred to Japanese style as Asian on some program , fuck me Asia is a big place ...
  11. Like
    Gregor got a reaction from Fala in slang terms that make you cringe?   
    just squid pants. half squid threequarter squid , or the fulll squid .
  12. Like
    Gregor got a reaction from cltattooing in slang terms that make you cringe?   
    just squid pants. half squid threequarter squid , or the fulll squid .
  13. Like
    Gregor got a reaction from JAllen in slang terms that make you cringe?   
    just squid pants. half squid threequarter squid , or the fulll squid .
  14. Like
    Gregor got a reaction from Graeme in slang terms that make you cringe?   
    just squid pants. half squid threequarter squid , or the fulll squid .
  15. Like
    Gregor got a reaction from CultExciter in slang terms that make you cringe?   
    just squid pants. half squid threequarter squid , or the fulll squid .
  16. Like
    Gregor reacted to CultExciter in slang terms that make you cringe?   
    SQUIDDLES if they only go up half way.
  17. Like
    Gregor reacted to Graeme in slang terms that make you cringe?   
    The preferred LST terminology for this kind of coverage is SQUIDPANTS.
  18. Like
    Gregor reacted to CultExciter in slang terms that make you cringe?   
    Bubbleberry Starfish.
  19. Like
    Gregor reacted to RoryQ in slang terms that make you cringe?   
    Earlier in this thread you explained that you are largely indifferent to how the things you say make other people feel. It's clear that you don't feel you need to consider the views or needs of other people, so what makes you think anyone is going to comply with some grandiose demand to help you erase all signs of your presence on the forum? Since you've got here you've repeatedly demanded advice, opinions and validation, and yet readily admitted that you couldn't care less about the community here.
    I suspect that there are probably enough kind-hearted posters and admin here who genuinely try their best to help out everyone, irrespective of how badly they behave, that you'll linger on here for another while.
    For a while. Eventually, though, with any luck, one day after furiously alienating the hell out of yet more people who try to help you ..... BANG!!! It'll be a ban-hammer right between the eyes. And maybe after that, from time to time, when things are really slow we'll go "Remember old Matthew Thomas? I wonder if he ever got that star fixed...".
  20. Like
    Gregor reacted to tatB in slang terms that make you cringe?   
    Everything on the internet stays FOREVER.
  21. Like
    Gregor reacted to sophistre in slang terms that make you cringe?   
    I don't really understand this line of argument. Words bother some people. You are free to choose to use them, sure, but what is the point of stubbornly insisting on using words that bother other people when there are plenty of other functional words that don't?
    I mean, I guess I would understand it more if it was cussing and you were trying to make a point, maybe, by messing with people's conservative something-or-other. But this is just...words for tattoos. Choosing the ones that bug people when there are other ones that get the job done isn't shocking or subversive, it's just kinda...weirdly obstinate. Like...you're choosing words that the community hates, for ...no reason with associated value, other than just doing it because you want to, in spite of knowing that it bugs people. I don't think that rings resoundingly with respecting said community.
    WTF do I know, though. I'm a newbie and should probably shut my cakehole.
  22. Like
    Gregor reacted to TaeTae in slang terms that make you cringe?   
  23. Like
    Gregor reacted to irezumi in slang terms that make you cringe?   
    Are you saying you are deliberately obtuse, rude and offensive to the tattooers and other workers at the tattoo shop?
  24. Like
    Gregor reacted to deadsp0t in slang terms that make you cringe?   
  25. Like
    Gregor got a reaction from Mike Panic in Saline Tattoo Removal, anybody know about this?   
    Laser just seems more natural to me , let your body deal with the ink. All this "drawing out " of ink with salt like it was pus in an infected wound sounds wrong and potentially scarring.
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