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  1. Like
    Gregor reacted to Nikki Price in Blackwork and Dotwork tattoos   
    I've fallen completely in love with dotwork.
    I've already posted this the latest tattoo thread, but anyway, here's my first tattoo, by Dotwork Damian. I haven't seen anyone else do dot realism quite like he does. I think it's incredible.

  2. Like
    Gregor reacted to eisen777 in Ink Masters   
    The only thing irresponsible is the people volunteering. I dont think its the shows responsibility to look after these poeople. They should know what the deal is. Plus some of them get a tattoo they are plenty happy with for free.
  3. Like
    Gregor got a reaction from beez in Views on these tattooists please   
    Jondix, Deno, Claudia de Sabe, Xam, Teide, Dani Queipo, Marco Serio, Andrea Furci.
    amazing !!
  4. Like
    Gregor got a reaction from Lance in Views on these tattooists please   
    Jondix, Deno, Claudia de Sabe, Xam, Teide, Dani Queipo, Marco Serio, Andrea Furci.
    amazing !!
  5. Like
    Gregor reacted to exume in Views on these tattooists please   
    Going to Seven Doors is like using cheat codes
  6. Like
    Gregor reacted to smiling.politely in Trolls   
    Some of those kids with the pacifiers may have had them to prevent grinding teeth while having a whale of a time with some of their favorite illicit drugs. Kids these days.
    And SpongeBob rules!
  7. Like
    Gregor reacted to tatB in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    @Rob I it was great meeting you and thanks for sharing your collection of tattoos with me. You have some outstanding work! Don't forget to try to make it up to the Montreal convention this year.
    I also want to mention that all the LSTers I've met in real life have been some of the nicest and most down to earth people I've ever met.
    Also here is the tattoo Chad Koeplinger made on me. Some of you may recognize the design from Valerie Vargas's snake flash set. I went in thinking Chad would only want to use the flash as a general reference and make his own design but he was super excited to do one of her flash designs so we stayed true to the original design. I am extremely happy to have this as the first piece of flash in my tattoo collection.

  8. Like
    Gregor reacted to SeeSea in Ink Masters   
    Thank you for this! My entire day may be wasted watching these!
    Bump for the newbies.
  9. Like
    Gregor got a reaction from Colored Guy in Ink Masters   
    I think when they interview and screen test them they pick out everyone with the wankiest attitude ever to go on the show . I don't care about the canvases they get the tattoos the deserve. Go to a real shop and pay for your tattoo for fucks sake.
  10. Like
    Gregor reacted to CultExciter in Anyone ever try hustle butter?   
    First thought.

  11. Like
    Gregor got a reaction from DJDeepFried in Ink Masters   
    Bottom line , you get what you pay for . Theres no shotcuts . You go the easy way then you deserve what you get. @DJDeepFried you are spot on brother , not a truer word said !!!
  12. Like
    Gregor reacted to Dbeatdano in Ink Masters   
    Yeah it's true, nobody deserves a bad tattoo. Tell that to the artist that ruined that man's arm with that swirl. I don't understand why someone would go on a reality show and get tattooed by an artist out of their element, with a time limit, tattooing something that they don't normally tattoo or a style they've never tattooed. The clients have to know all this information before they do it, and if they don't, that's dishonest on the shows part. If the clients do know about these fact before getting tattooed, then they assume the repercussions of a bad tattoo. The same goes for agreeing to appear on television. I mean seriously, it's not like these people get kidnapped, get a bag put over their head, and when it's pulled off, they're on Ink Master against their will to get a tattoo. These people chose to do this! I don't feel sorry for any of the "canvases" that get a terrible tattoo.
  13. Like
    Gregor reacted to DJDeepFried in Ink Masters   
    If you can't afford a good tattoo don't get one. Tattoos are a luxury not a necessity.
    I wonder if they offer the "canvases" free laser if they're not happy. If they don't they should.
  14. Like
    Gregor got a reaction from hogg in Artists who copy tattoos/styles   
    Thats not true , @peterpoose 's work gets much love. I like realism , I have some myself. I think this is a place for all tattoos . The great thing about this place too , even if we don't like the style everyone recognises quality. (and no spell-check I refuse to use a Z in recognise!!!)
  15. Like
    Gregor got a reaction from Zillah in Artists who copy tattoos/styles   
    Because I dont want a signature on my skin !
  16. Like
    Gregor reacted to Graeme in What music do you work to? Also, What is appropriate from a business standpoint?   
    Doing anything while listening to Dio is fucking awesome.
  17. Like
    Gregor reacted to DJDeepFried in Hip Hop Thread   
    I'm really into this album right now. Not strictly hip-hop but more on the experimental/indie trip-hop spectrum. Plus they're from Scotland so that's cool.

  18. Like
    Gregor reacted to Graeme in Whats up from GA   
    This is why we can't have nice things.
  19. Like
    Gregor reacted to MadeIndelible in Upcoming Tattoos   
    zbatch, it might be best to cut that quote down to "sunshine follows rain" or even something like a rainy umbrella with the words "hope and joy." Large quotes don't really fit on bodies well. Also, since you're in the Bay Area, you must either go to Freddy Corbin or Katie Sellergren if you choose to go with script. It's one of the Ten Tattoo Commandments.
  20. Like
    Gregor reacted to Hogrider in Ink Masters   
    It's hard to feel sorry for someone who has seen some of the God-awful tattoos done on this show (and Best Ink) and is still so desperate for attention (and free tattoos) that they go on the show anyway. Especially the first few episodes where there are usually 3-4 tattooers who are dreadful. If they get a mediocre tattoo they should consider themselves lucky.
  21. Like
    Gregor got a reaction from Dbeatdano in Ink Masters   
    I think when they interview and screen test them they pick out everyone with the wankiest attitude ever to go on the show . I don't care about the canvases they get the tattoos the deserve. Go to a real shop and pay for your tattoo for fucks sake.
  22. Like
    Gregor reacted to MoistTowelette in Perseverance - Japanese Tattoo Tradition in the Modern World   
    that was an amazing experience! to see tattoos and actual live tattooing represented at a museum was incredible, along with watching so many body suits displayed at one time.

    my favorite part was getting the epic catalog signed by the artists, and shige doing a full page autograph! i might be wrong, but i believe my buddies and i were the only ones to get the full pager!! i wish i was able to get a vid but my phone died...

  23. Like
    Gregor reacted to Lance in Perseverance - Japanese Tattoo Tradition in the Modern World   
    Ahhh, Perseverance, what can I say? It was awesome! But everyone already knew it was going to be. Here's a rushed description of the exhibit space itself. This doesn't do it justice or describe the energy on Friday and SaturdayI'll write something up later regarding the actual experience of this exhibition mixing people with tattoo knowledge mingling with those who don't (that was interesting. Kind of cool in a funny way), the lectures, tattooing, etc, which were all cool too. I'm just too tired right now. But it was great to see Reyeslv on Friday, and @TrixieFaux & @DJDeepFried on Saturday. Btw, DJdeepfried, get that spot with Stewart Robson! You've got to. I was too shy to introduce myself to him, again (headsmack!!!)
    For those who did not make it out to the opening and can't go due to travel restraints it's located on the upper level level of JANM. The exhibit is contained within 2 rooms. Before you even enter the exhibit the anticipation builds as you encounter kites hanging from the ceiling leading you towards the exhibit. On each kite is printed a close up of someone's tattoos echoing the woodblock printings on kites of Japan's past. It's an effective drum roll as your pace quickens to drink in all that will come mere steps away. Once you enter you're greeted with an explosion of these kites suspended from the ceiling and not only the kites but you are welcomed by a large floating temple style gate sitting in the center of the rectangular space. Starting at one side of the gate, ringing around and ending at the opposite side are suspended panels of life size bodysuits created by the 7 artists that are the main feature of the exhibit. When you step inside, each panel displays a Client's back. As you walk around you see the Client's front. It's quite impressive. Especially when you are in the center of it all ringed on all sides by these amazing images. Hanging on the exhibit walls are a series of double rowed smaller photographs lined up and down. In the second room there are more photos placed in double rows on the wall. On the white walls, are intricate reproductions in black brush strokes are drawings by some of the tattooers. On one wall a koi, another a dragon, a third, Benten, etc. these pairings work well with the photos and subject matter and also informed where photos were hanged in arrangement. It's all very clean and well thought out. One wall in particular,which I thought was a great idea, is dedicated to those who don't have knowledge about Japanese motifs. There are descriptions behind certain supernatural entities flowers, warriors, etc. This was nice and absolutely essential for anyone not familiar with Japanese tattoos and helps inform viewers. Also, within this 2nd room, floating just off center from the center was a large curving panoramic depicting 13 of Shige's Clients. If you are a fan of Shige's, this is a must see Soaking it in was a delight. All of the exhibit was a delight and deliberate. All the elements not on walls were suspended. The kites, temple gates, Shige's panoramic. All were floating and I couldn't help but think this was a deliberate act to allude to the ideas of the "floating world" of old Japan. Even if this wasn't deliberate, I think it's a cool thought.
    Accompanying this was the exhibit catalogue. Oh my! It's so amazing! This will be my favorite book for a while. it's absolutely worth more than the $20 you pay. I love the images of course, but also how it's broken down. I think it and the exhibit does great justice to tattooing. The format is awesome. From including descriptions regarding Japanese tattoo elements such as munewari and soushinbori, to showing traditional Japanese tattoos and tattoos influenced not by Japanese subject but by Japanese form. Basically a bunch of good things in it.
    My favorite of which is a chapter specifically dedicated to Chris Brand's 108 heroes of Los Angeles.
    Another favorite is a chapter featuring the work of Onizuka Tattoo owned by Lil Tokyo Jiro in LA. I haven't heard many shout outs for this shop but Iv'e been aware of them for years. 3 Japanese ex-pats working out of Little Tokyo. Jiro Yaguchi who has crazy solid work, and works by machine, LA Horitaka from the Horitoshi I Family doing tebori work, and Jakoh who's work has a modern twist. I'm happy to see them get attention. If I hadn't gotten tattooed by Jill Bonny 5 years ago, I'd probably be going to Jiro right now.
    Taki, Kip Fulbeck, and all involved deserve a great deal of congratulations on a job well done and our thanks for putting something like this out to the world, not just the tattoo community.
    Btw it's also awesome to look at this book and see larger images of 3 torso tattoos depicting Fudo Myo-o by Horitomo, Shige and @Stewart Robson. All 3 are uniquely their own and equally beautiful. I wish they were shown together.
  24. Like
    Gregor reacted to DJDeepFried in Perseverance - Japanese Tattoo Tradition in the Modern World   

    Horiken, Horitomo, Bob Roberts

    Tattooed hipsters watch Shige at work

    Miyazo tattoos Yebis


    Back pieces by Shige

    Yellowblaze Crew



    Smoking teal-haired woman in kimono

    - - - Updated - - -

  25. Like
    Gregor reacted to DevilMan in Full Back Piece Thread   
    And here we are again :)
    Today/tonight was the 4th session, this time 3 hours, I could have gone longer but my artist needed to pick up a guest artist from the airport.
    Anyway we still made good progress, my other side is now completely shaded as is my right left. Next session we are going to do the rest of the shading on my left leg, and on my ass (ouch! : ) ) and put some black in the clothing, and then we're done with the black and its onto color!

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